

KAS-MoJ Training workshop - Law on Handling Administrative Violations

New points of the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the law on handling administrative violations

With the aims of introducing the provisions of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, on 2/6/2022, KAS Vietnam co-operated with Ministry of Justice – Department of Management of Handling Administrative Violations and Monitoring Law Enforcement organize an extensive training workshop to disseminate the contents


The Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, officially approved by the National Assembly in 2012, marked a remarkable development in the process of building and perfecting the legal system on handling administrative violations in Vietnam.

After 8 years (2012-2020), the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations 2012 has made an important contribution to the prevention and combat of administrative violations, ensuring human rights, citizens' rights as well as ensuring security, order and social safety, contributing to promoting socio-economic development in Vietnam. However, in the process of implementing the Law, many provisions have revealed certain shortcomings and limitations. To promptly solve this limitations, the Law No. 67/2020/QH14 was passed by the National Assembly on 13/11/2020 to amend and supplement a number of articles of this Law; it took effect from 01/01/2022.

Law No. 67/2020/QH14 amends and supplements the content of 66/142 articles (of which 16 are comprehensively amended and supplemented), technically corrects 11/142 articles, 04 new supplementations, annuls 03 articles of Law No. 15/2012/QH13.

With the aims of introducing the provisions of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, on 2/6/2022, KAS Vietnam co-operated with Ministry of Justice – Department of Management of Handling Administrative Violations and Monitoring Law Enforcement organize an extensive training workshop to disseminate the contents; moreover, participants could have direct discussion with lecturers who participated in the development of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations. The training had gathered more than 100 participants coming from provincial Department of Justice, and other relevant institutions such as Department of Public Security, Customs, Market Management, Tax…etc.

This training workshop is within the framework of German-Vietnamese program rule-of-law dialogue.



Nguyen Minh Tuyen

Nguyen Tuyen

Office Manager

Tuyen.Nguyen@kas.de +84 24 37 18 61 94 /95 /96 +84 24 37 18 61 97





