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Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa Yearbook 2013

The Monitoring Regional Integration Yearbook reviews regional integration developments in Southern Africa. This Project is supported by the Trade Law Centre (tralac) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

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We are inviting abstracts (maximum 300 words) for papers to be included in the 2013 edition of the Yearbook. The following are some of the areas that could be the focus of papers:

•The Tripartite Free Trade Area: SADC – EAC and COMESA, SACU, SADC Developments

•Politics and Governance, Peace and Security

•External Relations and Regional Integration (eg China, India, Brazil, EU, US)

•Southern Africa in the African Integration Plan

•Infrastructure: energy, transport, communications ..

•Legal and Institutional Development for Regional Integration

•Climate change, environment, green economy developments

Please note

•Papers should refer to recent developments and literature

•Acceptance of an abstract and first draft do not automatically result in publication of a paper

•Maximum words for the draft and final paper below

•Authors need to indicate whether the paper has been submitted for publication elsewhere

Time Line

•Abstracts (max 350 words) should be sent to Trudi Hartzenberg by email (trudi at tralac.org) by 30 September 2013

•Authors of selected papers will be notified by 20 October 2013 and will receive guidelines for preparation of the papers

•First drafts (max 7000 words) to be submitted by email (trudi@tralac.org) by 10 December 2013; following which authors will receive reviews from editors

•Final papers (max 9000 words) to be submitted by 30 January 2014.

Launch of Yearbook 2013: August 2014

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Auslandsbüro Namibia und Angola

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Фондация „Конрад Аденауер“ разполага със собствени представителства в 70 държави на пет континента. Чуждестранните локални сътрудници могат да ви информира от първа ръка относно актуалните събития и пълносрочните проекти във вашата държава. В „Локална информация“ те предлагат на потребителите на уебсайта на фондация „Конрад Аденауер“ ексклузивни анализи, историческа информация и оценки.

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