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KAS Japan Weekly Covid-19 Update

od Naoki Takiguchi
Next week, Yoshihide Suga will formally be Abe’s successor. What are the factors that LDP Diet members opt for Suga? Key messages include: 1. LDP Diet members have sought for continuity though the majority of general public until August disapproved Abe or GOJ’s responses to COVID19. 2. Factions one after another supported Suga, they couldn’t miss the bus. 3. Kishida’s weak leadership was centrifugal factor, instead gave impetus to Suga. 4. Skipping general LDP members all over the country is a big disadvantage for Ishiba. LDP factions get attempted to hold on to the winning horse. 5. Suga’s appointment to be as PM seems ironic for his belief that party factions’ role had long gone.

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Naoki Takiguchi

Naoki Takiguchi

Manager des Länderprogramms Japan +81 3 6426 5061


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