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Strengthening understanding of criminal provisions to protect the rights of women and children

Training Workshop

A training seminar on the criminal provisions under the Penal Code 2015 to protect the rights of women and children was successfully co-organised by Ministry of Justice and KAS Vietnam. The training was well attended by nearly 100 participants who came from different sectors, including but not limited to prosecution, adjudication, women’s union, children’s protection and care from both central and provincial levels. Presenters of the workshop were among top experienced experts/scholars on this mentioned themes. During the event, speakers gave audiences the overview of newly changed regulations over women’s and children lawful rights which were both constituted in The Constitution Law 2013 as well as The Penal Code 2015. At the event, participants also had chance to listen to emerging crimes which women and children are victims of, for example: child abuse, women’s sexual attack…and the need of having soon endorsed decree guiding how to prosecute and adjudicate those crimes. At the workshop, local participants also raised their concerns that having applied and implemented laws in practical is still a gap. There are many cases at their localities, especially the ones involved offenders who are under 16 years of age, that still pending because judicators are unclear on which [judicial] guidelines should be applied as there are overlapping/unclear in those guidelines. Making an opening remark at the workshop, KAS Representative, Mr. Peter Girke highly appreciated the strong political will of government of Vietnam in its efforts to finalisation of legal framework in pursuing the state rule of law. However, Mr. Girke also raised a question on how much of those written letters, how much of the spirit of this commendable text, has been transferred to the practice, to real life? How effective is the implementation of the various provisions…these concerns were fruitfully discussed during the event between policy makers and practitioners.

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o této sérii

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