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Trends of Visegrad European Policy 2021

Presentation of a new study on the Visegrad countries and discussion with the authors in Cooperation with the Czech Association for International Affairs (AMO)

The objective of the “Trends of Visegrad European Policy” project is to identify the views held on EU-related policy issues by those that design, influence, and implement this policy. It seeks to compare the views of foreign- and EU-policy communities in Visegrad countries.

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We would like to cordially invite you to the presentation of the results of the research project “Trends of Visegrad European Policy 2021” and the following discussion. The aim of the research carried out in the summer of 2021 was to gain unique data on the opinions and stances of foreign policy actors in the Visegrad Group on individual areas of European policy. The data was obtained through a survey distributed among politicians, diplomats, experts, journalists and business representatives. The project was supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in the Czech Republic.

The presentation of the study results will be led by the authors - Pavlína Janebová, Research Director in the Czech Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Zsuzsanna Végh, Research Fellow from the European University Viadrina and European Council on Foreign Relations.

The event starts on Monday 8 November at 17.00 at the Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung  in Berlin and registration is required in advance.

The results of the research show that:

  • The relations among V4 states are mostly perceived as “good” or “very good”. Nevertheless, the respondents do not consider V4 states as their closest allies within the EU. 
  • Germany continues to be the most frequently mentioned important non-Visegrad partner in all four Visegrad countries, though relations are now perceived to be worse than two years ago in the case of Hungary and especially Poland.

  • The EU enlargement and relations with the eastern neighbours continue to play a key role in the agenda of the Visegrad countries. The majority of involved parties would welcome more initiative of the V4 in these relations.
  • Most respondents expect that in the next five years, policies for climate and the environment, energetic policy and digitalization will gain more importance within the EU agenda.

The language of presentation and discussion is English.

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Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
Tiergartenstr. 35,
10785 Berlin



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Assoziation für Internationale Fragen (AMO)