

How much equality do we need? On balancing fundamental rights in Europe

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Hanns Seidel Foundation und European Dignity Watch have the pleasure of inviting you to a panel discussion on:How much equality do we need? On balancing fundamental rights in Europe



The 5th Equal Treatment Directive aims at advancing equality and fostering anti‐discrimination in Europe. However, there are concerns regarding the excessive limitation of civil freedoms – particularly freedom of contract – which could then create legal uncertainty for citizens, entrepreneurs and faith communities. We want to discuss the impact this directive would have on society as a whole and to question its underlying concept of equality: Is it the state’s role to make all citizens equal, even through unequal treatment, or rather to treat everyone equally? Are we generally slowly abandoning diversity for the sake of equality? Is it desirable to monitor and enforce equality by law? Or is this ‘right, of not being discriminated against’, not rather a new dimension of discrimination – a discrimination of thought and behavior? Do we navigate our societies towards excessive paternalism through the state or are quotas and regulations maybe necessary to initiate and guide societal change towards a more equal coexistence? It is essential to have a close look at such equality legislation from various perspectives. In particular, it is worth asking: What are the concerns of businesses, citizens, governments and faith communities? We cordially invite you to an evening with stimulating discussions on the concept of equality with regards to fundamental values in Europe and the question in what kind of society we want to live.


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Hotel Stanhope, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels


Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Leiter des Multinationalen Entwicklungsdialogs Brüssel +32 2 669 31 70



Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Verbindungsstelle Brüssel
European Dignity Watch

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Europabüro Brüssel