


Erneuerbare Energien - Potential und Nutzen für Entwicklungsländer

Konferenzbericht zur Veranstaltung am 28. Februar 2007

Führende Experten aus Deutschland, den USA, Großbritannien, Indien, Brasilien, dem Senegal und Australien diskutierten gemeinsam mit Vertretern der Europäischen Institutionen vor knapp 200 Teilnehmern aus über 50 Nationen über die Chancen, die der Einsatz von Solarenergie, Wind- und Wasserkraft, Geothermie und Biomasse für eine sichere Energieversorgung und für die Minderung des für den Klimawandel verantwortlichen CO2-Ausstoßes bietet.

"The Baltic Sea Strategy for the Northern Dimension"

Expert Meeting in the European Office, Brussels

The meeting in the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation on February 5th 2007 offered the authors of the European Parliament resolution on “A Baltic Sea Region Strategy for the Northern Dimension”, Alexander Stubb MEP, Christopher Beazley MEP and Michael Gahler MEP, the possibility to present and discuss the objectives of this initiative. The discussion platform included numerous MEPs, officials of the European Commission, ambassadors, experts and representatives of enterprises.

Working Group on International Trade

The Trade Policy Agenda of the German EU Presidency

Global NATO - Overdue or Overstretch?

Conference Report

An international conference organised by the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in coopeartion with the Security & Defence Agenda

"NATO after the Riga Summit"

Speech by Ambassador Dr. Edmund Duckwitz - Permanent Representative of Germany to NATO

Speech by Ambassador Duckwitz at a dinner roundtable discussion in the European Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Die demokratische Republik Kongo nach den Präsidentschafts- und Parlamentswahlen 2006

Nationale Perspektiven und Externe Unterstützung

Der Weg zur Demokratie im 53-Millionen-Einwohner-Staat Kongo ist ein langer – und ein schwieriger noch dazu. Mittlerweile haben die Kongolesen ihre Volksvertreter zwar bestimmt, ihren Präsidenten gewählt und der unterlegene Kandidat, Jean-Pierre Bemba, hat den Sieg von Joseph Kabila auch offiziell anerkannt. Doch damit allein ist die demokratische Zukunft des Landes noch längst nicht gesichert.

“The Challenge of Stabilization and Reconstruction: How to Improve International Cooperation“

Conference Report

Responding to the complex challenges of international instability with armed conflicts and failed states, NATO played more and more a central role in international crisis management. Today NATO carries out repacifying and peace supporting actions at the Balkan, in Afghanistan and other regions. In this context the importance of cooperation between civil and military actors becomes apparent. The key to success lays in complement actions of military and civil organisations.The aim of this conference organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division und the Permanent Representations of Canada, Denmark and Germany to NATO is to promote and support a closer cooperation between NATO and NGOs.The conference took place on 16&17 October 2006 in the “Cercle Royal Gaulois“ in Brussels.

Die wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Rede von Dr. Joachim Wuermeling, Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie

„Was also fehlt, ist der Blick ins 21. Jahrhundert. Wir müssen Europa im Licht derHerausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts neu begründen. Europa ist nur dann zukunftsfähig,wenn es glaubwürdige Antworten auf die Fragen der Zukunft liefern kann. Dann wird es auchgelingen, verlorenes Vertrauen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Europa wieder zu gewinnen.“

"The Relevance and Heritage of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution"

Speech by Viktor Orbán, Chairman of Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Union), Former Prime Minister of Hungary

Speech by Viktor Orbán, Chairman of Fidesz (Hungarian Civic Union) and Former Prime Minister of Hungary, at the commemoration jointly organised by the European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Hungarian EPP-ED Delegation in the European Parliament

"Global Partnership": A New Conflict Within NATO?

Throughout the last several months, the concept of “Global Partnership” has been causing headaches in the alliance. The United States has been working to implement an institutional framework within NATO in order to intensify global cooperation with the so-called “likeminded states” – states with a Western orientation. This is intended to be one of the primary results of the NATO summit to be held in Riga, Latvia, in November 2006. While Washington views the proposed “Global Partnership Forum” as an important step in modernizing the alliance to face the realities of the post-September 11th world, the majority of European NATO members are critical of the idea of a new committee with global membership. The Europeans’ concerns have arisen partly due to a lack of understanding of the proposed body, not at least a re-sult of the Americans’ insufficient communication of the concept. On the other hand, the idea for the “Global Partnership” has not been given enough thought, and justifia-bly raises questions. What stands behind the concept of a “global partnership”, what advantages can be attained through it, and which criticisms are in fact compelling?


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.