

From War to Peace: Forty Years later – the Legacy of the Six Day War

KAS AJC Conference

International KAS and AJC conference on the legacy of the Six Day War.



Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Djanogly Hall, Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem

18:00 Reception

18:30 Greetings

Dr. Eran Lerman, Director, AJC Israel/Middle East Office

Dr. Lars Hänsel, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel Office

18:45 Keynote Address

From War to Peace – Historical Perspective

Professor Kenneth W. Stein, Director, Institute for the Study of Modern Israel, Emory University, Atlanta, GA


Fostel Hall, Mishkenot Shaananim

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Djanogly Hall, Konrad Adenauer Conference Center, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jerusalem

09:00 The Role of Ideology

What happened in Israel

Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

What happened on the Arab Side

Dr. Martin Kramer, Senior Fellow, Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies, Shalem Center

The Impact of the War on Israeli Arabs

Dalia Fadila, Alqasemi Academic College of Education

11:15 Coffee Break

11:30 From 242 to present Peace Efforts

American Policy during the War and after

Amos Eiran, Former Director General of the Prime Minister's Office

The Impact of the War on American Jewry, then and now

Rabbi Edward Rettig, Associate Director, American Jewish Committee, Israel/Middle East Office

13:30Light Lunch

Djanogly Hall, Mishkenot Shaananim

15:00Military Government, Human Rights, and the Constitutional Dimension

An Israeli Perspective

Col (ret.) Daniel Reisner, International Legal Counsel

A Palestinian Perspective

Walid Salem, Director, Panorama Center

16:30 Coffee Break

16:45 Understanding the War – what happened on the Battlefields

Ron Ben Yishai, Special Assignment Correspondent for Yediot Aharonot

17:30Keynote Address

From 242 to current Peace Efforts – a European Perspective

Ambassador Marc Otte, European Union Special Representative to the Middle East Peace Process

19:00 Dinner/Reception

Fostel Hall, Mishkenot Shaananim

- on invitation only -

40 years after the Six Day War – Israel and the Arab World – a New Vision for Peace

Farid Ghadry, founder and President, the Syrian Reform Party

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Beit Moses, Israel/Middle East Office, American Jewish Committee,

11 Mesilat Yesharim Street, Jerusalem

9:00 The Six Day War as a Watershed in the History of the Middle East

Dan Schueftan, Deputy Director, National Security Studies Center, University of Haifa

11:00The Soviet Role and the Impact on the Soviet Union

The Soviets and the War

Dr. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, authors of: Foxbats over Dimona: The Soviets' Nuclear Gamble in the Six Day War

The Effect of the Six Day War on the Renaissance of Jewish Identity and the Fate of the Soviet Union

Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at the Shalem Center


Lessons of the War and Visions for the Future

Amira Dotan MK


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Wie der Sechstagekrieg die Welt verändert hat: KAS and AJC explore political and societal consequences of 1967
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Dr. Lars Hänsel


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