

Course for Elected Representatives of Local Authorities

KAS-IWN Workshop for Female Election Candidates

The Israel Women's Network in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung opened this week in Tel Aviv a unique course to prepare the candidates to the 2008 municipal elections. The goal is to increase the number of women in Local Government and to encourage them to run for a second term in the Local Council or even for the elected position of City Mayor or Head of District.


Taking part in the course are participants from all over the country, from Arad in the south to Atlit in the north via Or-Yehuda, Herzliya, Kadima, Ness Ziona and Rosh Ha'ain.

The course will deal with strategy, tactics, image, and political marketing, including how to achieve more points in the public field.

Bat Sheva Strauchler, vice chairman of the Israel Women's Network and organizer of the course, says: "The women that join the course are professional and involved in decision-making within the local authorities. The course will enrich each and every one of these women and offer them a tool-box to use in the political field.”

The topics developed in the course are:

  1. Marketing plan
  2. Activation of volunteers
  3. Fundraising
  4. Image designing
  5. A dialog with the public
  6. Contact with the media

Another course for new woman-candidates running a campaign for the 2008 municipal elections will open in the coming weeks.


