

Heralding a New Era of Development: Jordan in its Second Centenary

As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh. As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh. As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh


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The theme of the two days national roundtable discussion held on October 9th and 10th 2021 in Amman revolved around the newly published report by the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System. Given the latest pressing national challenges and regional turmoil, several speakers reiterated that reforms in Jordan cannot be perceived as a luxury anymore but rather a prerequisite for democracy and development, the initiative by King Abdullah II aims at putting forward political reforms. The outcomes of the Royal Committee mainly propose newly drafted election and political parties’ laws, constitutional amendments connected to these two laws and provide recommendations on developing legislation regulating local administration.




Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Projektmanagerin +962 6 5929777 ext.: 204


