


Heralding a New Era of Development: Jordan in its Second Centenary

As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh. As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh. As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has entered its second centennial of the foundation of the state, KAS Jordan co-organized a Conference titled “Jordan’s Second Century-Challenges and Opportunities” with its long-standing partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies and under the patronage of his excellency the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Mr. Musa Al-Maayteh

Maritime Security in the Red Sea

Towards a Safe Maritime Security Zone in the Red Sea, Gulfs of Aden and Oman

Konrad Adenauer Foundation-Jordan Office and their partner, the Arab Institute for Security Studies (ACSIS), jointly organized a conference titled, "Towards a Safe Maritime Security Zone in the Red Sea, Gulfs of Aden and Oman". The conference brought together diplomats, political analysts, experts and delegates from both Jordan and abroad in order to discuss the importance of this maritime region in trade, transport/shipping, combatting piracy and terrorism and the necessity of cooperation and emphasizing regional dialogue on maritime security between key actors and countries.

Aktiv sein als Staatsbürger- und Staatsbürgerin!

Politische Bildung für jordanische Jugendliche

Mehrere Workshops gefolgt von vier erfolgreichen Aufklärungskampagnen resultierten, in einer krönenden Abschlussfeier der ersten Hälfte des „Women‘s Voices“-Programm und der Jugendakademie.

Party Youth Training – Democracy and Diversity

KAS-Jordan Office, in cooperation with Al-Quds Center for Political Studies, held a two-day training retreat for the Youth of Jordanian political parties in Wadi-Finan among the mountains of the Dana Biosphere Reserve. The training workshop was on Saturday and Sunday, September 4th - 5th entitled "Rules of the democratic process: Is democracy a ballot box or a comprehensive cultural, rights-based and political system?" More than twenty young women and men attended the workshop representing twelve Jordanian parties.

Jordan Times

Report-Discussion of the Electoral and Political Party Law

KAS-Jordan Office and the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs (MoPPA) conducted a series of workshops that focus on discussing Jordan's political party and electoral law with Jordanian youth.

How does youth look at Jordans future?

Discussion and book launch event of KAS & WANA

As Jordan can proudly celebrate, in 2021, hundred years of its founding and its development, many challenges remain ahead. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung takes Jordan’s anniversary as an occasion to reflect, together with our Jordanian partners and friends, where the country stands – and where it aspires to go. “We need real change, with transparency and accountability, not more hollow development plans”, was one of the comments at a recent discussion about how Jordan’s youth looks at the way forward for the country.

Jordan at 100

Youth Essay and Photography Competition

To commemorate the long history of state and community-building, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the West Asia-North Africa (WANA) Institute have launched the “100 Years of Jordan” competition. The competition aimed to convey what 100 years of Jordan means to Jordanian through submitting Arabic and English essays and photographs describing Jordan and its long history

Stärkung von Karikaturistinnen in Jordanien

'She is Art' Ausstellung

Das KAS-Büro in Jordanien und seine Partner Wishbox Media und Qalam Hurr starteten eine 10-tägige Ausstellung, um die Kunstwerke von 10 jordanischen Künstlerinnen zu präsentieren, die an dem 4-monatigen Trainingsprojekt "Empowering Female Cartoonists in Jordan" bei Fann wa Chai teilgenommen haben.

Aufbau von Kapazitäten bei politischen Parteien

Workshop 1

Der erste Workshop im Rahmen des Projekts "Political Party Capacity Building", der gemeinsam mit dem Al-Quds Center for Political Studies organisiert wurde, begann am vergangenen Samstag und umfasste eine Reihe von Rednern aus zentristischen politischen Parteien. Der erste Workshop bewertete die Erfahrungen der zentristischen Parteien bei den jordanischen Parlamentswahlen 2020 und die wichtigen Lehren, die aus diesen Erfahrungen für zukünftige Wahlen gezogen wurden.

Jordan in a Changing Regional Environment:The Upcoming Scenarios

Conference report

High-ranking international and Jordanian experts, researchers, officials, decision-makers and former Jordanian ministers were all invited to participate in the third annual conference, partnered with Al-Quds Centre for Political Studies, titled, ‘Jordan in a Changing Regional and International Environment-The Upcoming Scenarios”. This is to share their expert opinions, and analysis on the current political events taking place in the region, and how it directly (and indirectly) affects Jordan. This conference intended to address the changing regional and international environment through a Jordanian lens, and how these changing regional dynamics will impact Jordan in the future.


Über diese Reihe

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ihre Bildungsforen und Auslandsbüros bieten jährlich mehrere tausend Veranstaltungen zu wechselnden Themen an. Über ausgewählte Konferenzen, Events, Symposien etc. berichten wir aktuell und exklusiv für Sie unter Hier finden Sie neben einer inhaltlichen Zusammenfassung auch Zusatzmaterialien wie Bilder, Redemanuskripte, Videos oder Audiomitschnitte.



Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.