


The Price of Prosperity: Economic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia and the World

Diplomatic Briefing Ausgabe 04/2022

In der vierten Ausgabe des Diplomatic Briefings sehen wir uns das Konzept der economic diplomacy an und wagen einen Blick auf verschiedene Szenarien in der ganzen Welt. Die Publikation ist auf Englisch und Khmer verfügbar.


The Limitations of Human Rights in Compliance with International Human Rights Law

This research will seek to analyze the legality of the limitations on freedom of movement, freedom of expression, rights to food in Cambodia under the international human rights standards as a consequence of COVID-19 measures.


This short research brief below will be addressing the positive impacts on women’s health and well-being in the context of legalizing abortion.


This article will explore the Impacts of Fake News, the response to Fake News in Cambodia, and youth Contribution in Preventing Fake News.

Food Security in the Mekong Region

Mekong Connect: Volume 3, Issue 2

Welcome to the December 2021 Issue of the Mekong Connect Magazine, a joint publication initiative between the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Cambodia Office. The magazine publication aims to provide access to a wider audience who wishes to gain a better understanding of a wide range of key issues facing Mekong countries, including public health, climate change, trade and economy, food security, poverty and development, digitalisation, peace and security, and international cooperation.

Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 / Thierry Ehrmann

Kambodschas neue Dynastie?

Die Debatte um die Nachfolge von Premierminister Hun Sen

Ende November hat Kambodschas Premierminister Hun Sen, einer der langjährigsten Regierungschefs der Welt, überraschend ein Thema auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt, das bis dahin bloß hinter vorgehaltener Hand diskutiert wurde: Seine Nachfolge als Regierungschef. Nun steht fest: Geht es nach dem Amtsinha-ber soll das Amt bis spätestens 2028 an seinen Sohn Hun Manet übertragen werden. Bahnt sich in Kam-bodscha eine neue Herrscherdynastie an?

KAS Cambodia

Cambodia's ASEAN Chairmanship 2021

Priorities and Challenges

On the occasion of the Kingdom of Cambodia taking over the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022, KAS Cambodia and the Asian Vision Institute (AVI) have come together to look at the priorities and challenges that lie ahead. In 14 chapters some of the most renowned experts and researchers on the region reflect on the state of ASEAN and analyse the opportunities and difficulties the Cambodian Chairmanship may encounter. This book offers key insights for researchers, analyst, policy makers, advisers and practitioners in the field to ensure a successful Chairmanship.

Future of Work

Digital Insights Issue 4/2021

The world of work is changing at a rapid pace. Innovations in technology are becoming more widespread and are increasingly finding their way into the most diverse areas of work. The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence will greatly change the future of work. New technologies and digitalization have an impact on the way we work and how we organize our work. This latest volume of Digital Insights will bring the discussion on how digitalization transforms the ways of work and how the future of work looks like.

Transforming the Workplace of Cambodia's Young White-Collar-Workers

Future of Work

Cambodia's economy has been transforming towards skills-driven, service and professional jobs. White-Collar-Workers play a pivotal role within this emerging transformation that as of 2020, covered approximately 11% of Cambodia's workforces. With the increasing importance of White-Collar-Workers in the country and with little evidence to support the hypothesis raised in other contexts, this paper aims to shed much needed new light as the realities of young White-Collar-Workers in Cambodia.

Wo informiert sich Kambodscha?

„Mit Schlagzeilen erobert man Leser. Mit Informationen behält man sie.“ - Alfred Harmsworth

Die zunehmende Fokussierung der deutschen, europäischen und amerikanischen Außenpolitik auf den indo-pazifischen Raum verdeutlicht die wachsende Relevanz der Region und damit auch von Ländern wie Kambodscha, die als Raum der systemischen Rivalität gesehen werden. Umso wichtiger ist es, zu verstehen, wie die Menschen in der Region denken und auf welcher Grundlage sie ihre Meinung bilden.