



Derzeit sind keine Veranstaltungen geplant.



Libya’s economy: Challenges and the way forward


Das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Stractegia einen Expertendialog über die aktuelle Situation der libyschen Wirtschaft und ihre Herausforderungen und Zukunftschancen.


The Role of Youth in combating gender stereotypes in the audio-visual sector

Nebenveranstaltung der hochrangigen UfM-Konferenz "Women4Mediterranean" der UfM vom 16. bis 20. November 2020

Das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Union für den Mittelmeerraum eine Begleitveranstaltung zur Women4Mediterranean High-Level Conference 2020 über die Rolle der Jugend bei der Bekämpfung von Geschlechterstereotypen im audiovisuellen Sektor. Die Veranstaltung ist für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.


AI in Cyber Warfare: A New Challenger in The Mediterranean Battlefields

Exploring cybersecurity collaboration between the two shores of the Mediterranean

While traditional powers present in the southern Mediterranean used to have a monopoly on cybersecurity capabilities, in recent years the region has seen the emerging of non-traditional players capable of implementing highly sophisticated attacks. As we keep integrating AI into every aspect of our lives, the cybersecurity challenges we now face are evolving at an extremely fast pace and are radically changing the way cybersecurity needs to be analyzed.


First steps to solutions: international efforts in solving the Libyan crisis


Das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Büro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung bei den Vereinten Nationen in New York freut sich, Gastgeber eines hochrangigen Expertendialogs über die jüngsten Erfolge in Libyen und die vielfältigen Vermittlungsbemühungen zu sein. Die Diskussion am 12. November um 8.00 Uhr EST/14.00 Uhr MEZ bringt internationale Experten zu Libyen zusammen und wird nach den Regeln des Chatham House stattfinden.


The International Politics Of Sudan’s Transition

Online Seminar

Sudan is in the midst of a once-in-a-generation episode of change. This ethnically diverse country of 42 million people is undergoing a rare political transition after a revolutionary uprising and a military coup last year brought an end to President Omar al-Bashir's 30-year rule. In August 2019, Bashir's generals and the leaders of opposition parties agreed to share power in arrangement meant to lead the country to a new constitutional order and free elections in three years. A peace agreement finalized on 3 October 2020 saw the leaders of armed groups from Sudan's war-torn areas of Darfur, Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan join the transitional institutions. But the economy has collapsed in a spiral of near hyperinflation, and the prospects for further destabilization are rising. Regime change has brought a significant reorientation of Sudan's foreign policy, once fiercely anti-Western and supportive of Islamist groups across the region. Relations with Europe, long fraught as a result of the International Criminal Court Indictment of Omar alBashir for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur, are edging towards full normalization. Sudan has also moved away from its erstwhile allies Qatar and Turkey, largely aligning onto the "Arab Troika" (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Egypt). Under the influence of the UAE, Sudan is now exploring a potential normalization with Israel in exchange for a recission of the United States' longstanding State Sponsor of Terrorism Designation.


The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit

MED Women Shaping the Internet

Mediterranean Women Digital Summit for women empowerment Held every year in Tunis, the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit gathers activists, entrepreneurs as well as academics from countries of the southern Mediterranean region but also from Europe. This platform aims at exploring the opportunities digitalization offers to women empowerment. This year’s edition will focus particularly on the gender imbalance observed on the Internet space, as it is the case in society at large. Through a set of panel discussions and peer consultations, the objective is to construct a reflection process on how social innovations can contribute to make the Internet a more gender-equal place. The target outcome of the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit is to create a network of inspired women and provide them with knowledge and experiences from successful initiatives. With the opportunities brought by the digital sector, those emerging women leaders will be better equipped to contribute with their own innovations to a more sustainable and inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean


MENA Leadership Academy III: Shaping the Digital Future

Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen im digitalen Raum

Nachdem 50 junge zivilgesellschaftliche Aktivisten aus dem Nahen Osten und Nordafrika (MENA) die erste und zweite MENA Leadership Academies absolviert haben, bringt das Regionalprogramm Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) nach den bisherigen MENA LA-Teilnehmern nun die dritte Generation motivierter und engagierter zukünftiger Führungskräfte zusammen. Das Thema der nächsten zwei Jahre wird sein, wie zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen den digitalen Transformationsprozess in der Region erfolgreich begleiten können. Das erste Training wird in Tunis stattfinden.


Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East and North Africa

Während den letzten Protesten der Bürgerin der a arabischen Welt, eine entscheidende Rolle ging von den militärischen Apparaten in der Region aus.. Während in einigen Ländern das Militär die Verteidigung der politischen Eliteübernahm, spielte die Armee in anderen Fällen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Machtwechsel. Angesichts der bedeutenden Neuimplementierung des Militärs in den politischen Entwicklungen organisierte das Regionalprogramm Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Carnegie Middle East Center eine Konferenz über die zivil-militärischen Beziehungen in der MENA-Region.


Die neue Rolle Tunesiens in der internationalen Gemeinschaft

Anfang 2020 begann Tunesien zum vierten Mal ein zweijähriges Mandat als nichtständiges Mitglied des Sicherheitsrates (UNSC) bis 2022.

Zusätzlich zu dieser Wahl hatte Tunesien im vergangenen Jahr den Vorsitz des Gipfels der Arabischen Liga und wird den Vorsitz des für Dezember 2020 geplanten Frankophonie-Gipfels übernommen. Angesichts der deutlich zunehmenden internationalen Präsenz Tunesiens hielt das Regionalprogramm Südliches Mittelmeer der KAS eine Konferenz ab, um Denkanstöße für die Chancen zu geben, die die Wahl Tunesiens in den Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen bietet.


Paving Legal Pathways for Migration

MED Migrationsforum

Migrationsmanagement befindet seit langem im "Krisenmodus" und es ist nun dringend notwendig, über längerfristige Ansätze nachzudenken. Angesichts der Relevanz lokaler Institutionen bei der Umsetzung von Migrations- und Integrationspolitiken kann die Frage nach legalen Migrationswegen auch nur realistisch durch die Einbeziehung lokaler Institutionen und politischer Entscheidungsträger in die Diskussionen angegangen werden. Das Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Südliches Mittelmeer der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Italienischen Institut für Internationale Politische Studien (ISPI) organisiert in diesem Kontext ein Migrationsforum mit Experten und Vertreter lokaler und internationaler Institutionen.


Political Stalemate in Libya

Scenarios and Strategies for 2024

On March 7th, 2024, KAS PolDiMed hosted a one-day conference in Tunis called "Political Stalemate in Libya: Scenarios and Strategies for 2024." The main focus was to delve into various potential scenarios and strategies concerning Libya's political direction in 2024.

Euro-Mediterranean Relations in Changing Times

Second Annual KAS-MEDAC Alumni Circle

From 9 to 11 October 2023, KAS PolDiMed and MEDAC organized the Second Annual KAS MEDAC Alumni Conference in St. Julian's, Malta, which discussed the key prospects pertaining to the Euro-Mediterranean relations.

MENA Leadership Academy – Generation 4

Fourth Training - Political and Civil Society Engagement of Young Actors in Europe

KAS PolDiMed organized the fourth and last training of MENA LA program (Generation 4) in Berlin, Germany from 21 to 25 August 2023. The participants met a plethora of high-level actors and officials to discuss politics and civic engagement at the local, federal, and European level.

Summer School 2023

German Foreign Policy in a Changing World

On 28 and 29 July, KAS PolDiMed organized the Summer School 2023 which brought together young social and political activists and professionals from 7 countries of the South-Med region to learn more about the foundations of the German foreign policy.

Migration Hotspot Mediterranean Sea

Current migration policy debates in the example of Tunisia

From July 9 to 12, 2023, three members of the working group Interior of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag visited Tunisia on invitation of the regional program Political Dialogue in the Southern Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed).

Mediterranean Advisory Group (MAG)

Rethinking Euro-Med Relations Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Developments

From 5 to 7 July, 2023, KAS PolDiMed organized the Mediterranean Advisory Group (MAG) 2023 in Villa La Collina, Cadenabbia, Italy which discussesd the challenges and prospects facing the South-Med region at the geopolitical, security, and socio-economic levels.

Building Connections: A 2024 Mediterranean Agenda for the Next European Commission

On 29 June 2023, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Rome Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, co-organized, in Cadenabbia, an expert workshop entitled: ‘’Building Connections: A 2024 Mediterranean Agenda for the Next European Commission’’.

Migration Dynamics in the Maghreb-Sahel region: changing trends, new challenges, and regional responses

On 22 and 23 June 2023, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (KAS PolDiMed) and the Regional Programme for the Sahel of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organized a conference on the “Migration-Dynamics in the Maghreb-Sahel region: changing trends, new challenges, and regional responses” in Rabat, Morocco.

Euro-Mediterranean Transport and Logistics: A Catalyst of Regional Cooperation in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis

On May 9 and 10 May, 2023, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and the Union of the Mediterranean on Federations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED) organized a conference on the “Euro-Mediterranean Transport and Logistics: A Catalyst of Regional Cooperation in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Crisis” in the city of Tangier, Morocco.

Rethinking Youth Political Activism in the MENA Region

Third Training of MENA Leadership Academy - Generation 4

KAS PolDiMed held its third training of MENA LA 4 in Rabat, Morocco, from 15th to 19th March 2023. The participants were trained on public policy and debate and discussed growing challenges to democracy and how to overcome them.