Friday, 7 April 2006
09:00 Arrival and Registration of Participants
09:30Welcome and Introduction
Mrs. Stefanie Ricarda Roos, Director, Rule of Law Programme South East Europe,
Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Bucharest
Mr. Rupert Steinlein, Academy of European Law – Trier
Session I.Cooperation between the National Courts and the European Court of Justice
09:45Relationship between Community Law and National Law:
The Preliminary Reference Procedure
Mag. Martin Moser, LL.M., Référendaire, Court of Justice of the European Communities, Luxembourg
10:45Coffee Break
11:00Case study
Mr. Martin Moser
Residence Hotel
Session II. Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
14:30European Networks: Mechanisms of Co-operation between the Member
States of the European Union
Eurojust: Role, Structure, Competence and Limits in the European Criminal Justice Cooperation
Mrs. Annette von Sydow, Chief Prosecutor, International Division Office of
the Prosecutor General, Sweden; Deputy to the Swedish Member to Eurojust
16:30Coffee Break
16:45The European Arrest Warrant: Concept and Text
Mrs. Annette von Sydow
Residence Hotel
Saturday, 8 April 2006
Session III. Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters
09:00The Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and
Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters – Brussels I
Mrs. Maire Ni Shuilleabhain, Permanent Lecturer in Law, University College,
10:30Coffee Break
11:00Overview of Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters:
The “Taking Evidence” Regulation, the Service Regulation, the European Enforcement Order and the Proposal for
an Order for Payment Procedure
Mrs. Maire Ni Shuilleabhain
Residence Hotel
Session IV. The Relationship between the ECHR and the ECJ with regard
to the EU Charta of Fundamental Rights
14:30The EU Charta of Fundamental Rights
Dr. iur. Johan Callewaert, Legal and Executive Assistant to the President of the
European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
15:30Coffee Break
16:00The Relationship between Strasbourg and Luxemburg
Dr. Johan Callewaert
17:30End of Conference
Residence Hotel