

Dialogue for the consolidation of an independent judiciary

von Dr. iur. Stefanie Ricarda Roos

Interview with Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos in Revista 22 - Original version in Romanian

During 2006, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, through its Rule of Law Program South East Europe and in association with the Romanian NGO, Society for Justice (SoJust), conducted seminars for judges in seven Romanian cities (Tg. Mures, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Suceava, Focsani, Timişoara and Slatina).


The outcome of those seminars was a published guidebook on pressure factors and conflicts of interest in the judiciary. The guidebook, and the debates that generated it, are the topic of an interview conducted by the Romanian journalist Rayvan Braileanu, revista 22, with Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos, Director of the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe run by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The interview appeared on April 3, 2007, in Revista 22, Nr. 14, p. 9.




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