Call for Applications 2024 - Auslandsbüro Uganda und Südsudan
Call for Applications 2024
Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship - Second Cohort!
The Y4P Migration Fellows will have an unparalleled opportunity to spend six to eight months gaining both academic and field experience working in the niche area of migration and being part of a community to build an inclusive and responsive pro-youth policy landscape. Besides interacting with migrants and learning from their experiences, the fellows will have the chance to access key stakeholders and experts in the field of migration. Throughout the Programme, the fellows will be trained in key public policy topics as well. Ultimately, the fellows shall be equipped with relevant tools to enable them undertake research, write policy papers, and contribute to ongoing advocacy and policy-making efforts. Fellows will also have exposure to the workings of KAS’ key partners and collaborators, which includes international agencies, state agencies and Civil Society Organizations. Moreover, the Y4P Migration Fellowship can be used as a springboard towards a wide range of academic and professional opportunities in the future. Y4P and KAS alumni have gone on to pursue careers in the development sector, academia, public service as well as private sectors.