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Transatlantic Relations

Transatlantic Relations (Cover)

The transatlantic relations are characterized by close political and economic cooperation as well as intense cultural exchange. While a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would enable us to actively shape the future world economic system in our sense, current political challenges require permanent dialogue between the transatlantic partners.

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Transatlantic Relations

  • Editorial of the issue "Transatlantic Relations"

    The transatlantic relations are characterized by close political and economic cooperation as well as intense cultural exchange. While a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would enable us to actively shape the future world economic system in our sense, current political challenges require permanent dialogue between the transatlantic partners.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • The Security Policy Dimension of Transatlantic Relations

    In the Context of the Ukraine Crisis and the Strengthening of the CSDP

    In the face of new challenges such as the Ukraine crisis, the United States encourages intensification of the Common Security and Defense Policy. In the context of the development of a joint approach related to security policy, the European allies’ increasing readiness to take on a leadership role and intense cooperation between the EU and the US, the Ukraine crisis can be viewed as a catalyst for the elevation of transatlantic cooperation to new levels.

    by Olaf Wientzek, Leonie Arzberger

  • The Ties That Bind

    German and American Youth, and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship

    The current change due to economic shifts and cultural transformation in the German-American relationship is not a crisis, but rather an opportunity. Young Americans and Germans will have the chance to build a new relationship based on their deeply held values as they seek to advance democratic values and economic opportunities in our new multi-polar, pluralistic, and economically growing world.

    by Daniel Fuglestad

  • Open Markets, Prosperity and Global Standards

    The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

    The TTIP negotiations are strongly criticized by many consumers in Germany, especially with regard to their (alleged) opaque nature, the creation of an International Investment Court and the supposedly lower level of consumer protection in the US. In view of Europe’s waning economic influence, it is imperative to seize the opportunity of a meaningful transatlantic economic area and to exert more influence on the new international economic order.

    by Gunter Rieck Moncayo

Other Topics

  • Interjection

    A Marshall Plan for Africa!?

    Conventional development policy can no longer react effectively to flows of refugees from Africa to Europe and to Africa’s immense population growth. What is necessary instead is a European-African initiative, realized by a public-private partnership, with the goal of developing a conurbation in terms of economic policy, which creates completely new economic cycles as well as humane economic and social conditions in the Mediterranean – so to speak a Marshall Plan for Africa. Such a project would also be a great chance for Europe.

    by Wolfgang Maier

  • Taking Confucius to Africa

    How foreign cultural policy conveys China’s voice and perspective to the world

    Looking at numbers, the expansion of China’s foreign policy institutions and programs related to culture is impressive. Over a short period of time, China has become an important global actor in the realm of foreign cultural policy. By using the cultural “factor”, the Peoples Republic seeks to convey its social and political values, for which it is heavily criticized.

    by Peter Hefele, David Merkle, Sascha Zhivkov

  • Cooperation between Antagonists

    The Gulf States’ Complex Relationship With Iran

    With the election of Hassan Rohani as president of Iran in 2013 and the nuclear dispute settlement between Iran and the E3+3 being under way, the Arabic-Iranian relationship has experienced a break with tradition. The time has come for the Gulf Cooperation Council to agree on a joint foreign policy towards Iran – a challenge considering the Gulf States’ particular national interests and the diverging signals coming from the two regional big players Saudia Arabia and the United States.

    by Gidon Windecker, Peter Sendrowicz

  • The End of the Status Quo?

    A Contribution to the Debate on Normalization and Anti-Normalization in Palestinian Society

    The issue of normalization is widely discussed in Palestinian society. Opinions on whether and in what form Palestinians should enter into dialogue with Israelis diverge dramatically and split the Palestinian society. It is striking that openness to dialogue has waned considerably in almost all strata of Palestinian society over the past few years.

    by Hans Maria Heyn, Bastian Schroeder

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



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