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Sustainable Amazon Forum 2/2021

Second meeting of 2021 of the Sustainable Amazon Forum

The Sustainable Amazon Forum has the mission and vocation of promoting productive dialogues between different actors with the potential to reduce differences and act in a purposeful way to encourage sustainable development in the Amazon.

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The Sustainable Amazon Forum was reactivated in the second half of 2019 and is coordinated by Instituto Ethos, Projeto Saúde e Alegria, Instituto Socioambiental, Natura, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Brazil and Instituto Reos. The three main objectives of the Forum are:

  1. To be a platform for intersectoral and multisectoral dialogue and collaboration to connect, catalyze and propagate initiatives, solutions and proposals for a sustainable Amazon;
  2. Create a common agenda for Amazon;
  3. Focus on public policies and promote high-level public debate for the sustainable development of the Amazon.


In 2020, we held 5 virtual meetings which resulted in a mapping of corporate and multi-stakeholder initiatives that are focusing their actions on the sustainable development of the region and on learning about collaborative actions in confronting the fires in the Amazon and the pandemic.

This year, the forum will focus on three fronts:

  • Focus on public policies with propositional guidelines for the development of the forest economy;
  • Act strategically to strengthen the forest economy, contributing to the strengthening of its socio-biodiversity and the productive activities of the populations that keep the forest standing;
  • Contribute to the formulation and mobilization of a position for COP 26, together with governments and local populations in the Amazon, in partnership with strategic partners.

If you are an organization or actor that works towards a more sustainable Amazon and want to join other actors to strengthen this transformation, please contact us!

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Ana Abreu

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