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Event Reports

34th Annual Meeting of the German-Brazilian Bar Association

by Friedrich Christian Matthäus

KAS Brazil sponsors German-Brazilian Bar Association

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Brazil Office (KAS Brazil) sponsored the 34th Annual Congress of the German-Brazilian Bar Association (DBJV), which was held from September 24th to 25th 2015, in Belo Horizonte. The conference was entitled "Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information in the Digital Age". The main issues discussed were the internationally acclaimed Brazilian law "Marco Civil", which regulates the rights and obligations of Internet users as regards their data, as well as the debate about Internet freedom and universal unrestricted Internet access.

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KAS Brazil and the DBJV have been strategic partners since 1999. The DBJV is committed to the strengthening of the rule of law and to the promotion of cooperation between German and Brazilian lawyers, converging, thus, with the values and ideals of cooperation and dialogue promoted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation worldwide.

The conference was opened by the Chairman of the DBJV, Hans-Peter Henckel, the honorary German Consul in Belo Horizonte, Victor Sterzig, and Christian Matthäus of KAS Brazil. Academics and experts of renown gave lectures during the two-day congress, regarding, amongst other issues, the origins of data protection in the Brazilian legal system and the protection of data and personal rights on the internet.

Minister Cármen Lúcia Antunes Rocha from the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF), proffered a special presentation on the "Protection of Personal Data in the Jurisprudence of the STF", which was followed by a lively debate.

The DBJV meets annually to analyse the latest developments in the legal realm of both countries, ensuring the continuous exchange of ideas between Brazilian and German lawyers. The next meeting will take place in 2019 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

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Franziska Hübner

Franziska Hübner bild

Desk Officer of the Evaluation Unit +49 30 26996-3513
Belo Horizonte KAS Brasilien


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