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Young Leaders Seminar

Joint Israeli-Palestinian seminar

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel in cooperation with The Geneva Initiative will host a seminar in Italy for young Palestinian and Israeli leaders to discuss the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its consequences.


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Ein Blick in die Zukunft der deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen

Perspektiven junger Führungskräfte

Welchen Herausforderungen sehen sich die deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen heute gegenüber? Was kann die junge Generation tun, damit das bilaterale Verhältnis auch weiterhin fest und belastbar bleibt?


Football, Reconciliation and Peace

How can football bridge between peoples?

What was the place of Jewish football players in Germany before the war an how did football contribute to Israel-Germany relations? What place Arab football players have in Israel today and can sport help to bridge between Israelis and Palestinians?


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Politics and Religion

Facing Religious Extremism

50 young leaders of Jewish and Catholic faith get together in the Holy City to discuss common values and common challenges facing religious extremism within their respective communities.


2016 Annual Arms Control Conference and experts forum

Arms control at a crossroads

In joint cooperation with the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), KAS Israel is hosting a security conference with international experts who will discuss different perspectives on the issue of "arms control" and "nuclear disarmament".


The 5th Annual Young Researchers Conference of European Studies in Israel

The conference, in association with the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University and the Tel Aviv - Yaffo Academic College, aims to bring together young researchers with a special interest in European politics and society.


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Teaching the Holocaust, Anti-Semitism and Israel

Challenges in multiethnic Societies

Five-day seminar for German educational policy makers at Yad Vashem. Together with experts from Yad Vashem, a concept for teaching the darkest chapter of German history and countering anti-semitism will be developed.


Core issues - Jerusalem and security arrangements- workshop and study tour for SHAS activists

In partnership with the Geneva Initiative, KAS Israel is organizing a workshop and studytour for SHAS activists.


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Akko Continuing Inter-religious and Intercultural Study and Field Seminar

Akko Continuing Inter-religious and Intercultural Study and Field Seminar (in cooperation with KAS and Municipality of Akko, and Intercultural Mediation Council)


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Proportionality and Civilian Casualties in Asymmetrical Armed Conflicts: An Interdisciplinary Approach

KAS Israel and the Israel Democracy Institute co-host an international conference on “Proportionality and Civilian Casualties in Asymmetrical Armed Conflicts: An Interdisciplinary Approach” scheduled to take place in Jerusalem from May 30-31, 2016.

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IDC Herzliya Conference

Roundtable on Water Security and Regional Cooperation

Within the frame of the annual Herzliya Conference, KAS Israel and EcoPeace Middle East organized an expert discussion in water security issues in the Middle East and regional cooperation on June 20th 2017. The event was hosted by Shaul Mishal, Head of ME Program in IDC.

The “Israel-Europe Future Task Force”-Project


The project addressed issues relating the Israeli-European relations and the rising challenges in the international system in a series of discussions and workshops for a group of young Israeli and European foreign policy professionals.

Legal Responses to the Global Refugee Crisis

In a joint conference together with The Minerva Center for Human Rights in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung hosted legal experts from Europe and the Middle East that examined the the existing legal gaps on refugee international law and discussed possible legal and policy responses

Energy Security and Regional Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean Rim

The Konrad Adenauer Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel organized a two day conference in Malta June 8 and 9, 2017. The conference on Energy Security and Regional Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean Rim hosted 16 participants from Germany, Turkey, Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, and Greece.

The EchoChamber

A Conference on Hate Speech on the Internet

The magnitude of the Internet has given it an influence that has created both opportunities and challenges. Those challenges, such as the seemingly easy multiplication of hate speech that governments and civil society alike are finding difficult to harness. Decision makers are at a crossroads between Internet regulation and holding on the freedom of expression that is promoted in western societies. While the connection between online hate speech and offline actions are not yet fully understood, there is still a demand to provide more clarity on how they plan to tackle this challenge.

Unionsfraktions-Vize Friedrich in Israel

Vor dem Hintergrund der anhaltenden diplomatischen Spannungen zwischen der EU und Israel suchte Dr. Hans-Peter Friedrich MdB, stellvertretender Union-Fraktionschef und Mitglied im Bundestagsausschus für die Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union, im Rahmen eines zweitägigen Informationsprogramms der KAS den Dialog mit israelischen Gesprächspartnern. Ziel war es, mehr über die israelische Sicht auf die Situation zu erfahren und über Lösungsansätze zu diskutieren.

Dialogprogramm für CDU-Bundesvize Julia Klöckner MdL

Im Rahmen eines Dialogprogramms der KAS besuchte Julia Klöckner MdL im Juni das Heilige Land. Neben politischen Gesprächen mit Vertretern der Regierung und Opposition gab sie als Ehrengast Impulse zum Thema "Hate Speech" im Internet und zum Israel-Bild in Deutschland, im Rahmen zweier Fachkonferenzen.

The Challenge of Complexity: How to Convey Israel to the German Public

On the occasion of the publication of the “Länderbericht Israel” by Dr. Gisela Dachs, KAS Israel, the Federal Agency of Civic Education and the DAAD Center for German Studies jointly organized a round table on the topic “The Challenge of Complexity: How to Convey Israel to the German Public” in order to present the publication and to discuss its complex meaning in practice.

KAS- und ELES-Stipendiaten besuchen das Heilige Land

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel organisierte in Kooperation mit dem Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk vom 07. Mai bis zum 14. Mai 2017 ein Studien-und Informationsprogramm in Israel.

Bologna around the World – A Comparative Point of View

The Bologna Training Center Annual International Conference

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hosted together with The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev the Bologna Training Center annual Conference. Higher Education experts from around the world gathered to discuss the Bologna process from a comparative perspective, while reviewing how is the process being implemented outside and inside Europe and its future in Israel