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Call for Application

Jordan-EU Dialogue on Human Security:Refugees and Forced Migrants in Focus

The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and the West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) are organising a series of workshops which aim to support young Jordanian experts and professionals from diverse backgrounds to produce public policy papers on different subjects. In the end of the workshop series, the participants are given an opportunity and platform to present their policy papers to Jordanian and international stakeholder, including EU and government representatives and at the same time highlight important issues to them related to refugees and forced migration in the EU and West Asia-North Africa region.

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Jordan-EU Dialogue Application Form download

Participants undergo a 4-days training workshop on preparing policy papers, covering theoretical issues such as the role/importance of policy research, and technical training on how to draft policy papers, what characteristics should they include, and a day/section to explore potential channels of communicating such policies to policy-makers.

Before the final papers will be all compiled, designed and published in a joint KAS-WANA publication they will be presented by the participants and discussed in a roundtable together with stakeholders, including government representatives and others. The results will be communicated via a outreach in social media, radio etc.

The project shall contribute to the knowledge created around Jordan-EU relations from a grassroot/civil society perspective. It hopes to challenge the culture of public policy-making in Jordan by allowing more non-governmental actors to offer their input into this process, and by building the capacity of young to mid-career researchers and professionals by training them on how to draft policy papers, and work closely with them to identify potential channels for communicating and advocating their insights. 

This is the second round of workshops under the title "Jordan-EU Dialgue on Human Security" this time focusing on refugees and forced migrants (to learn more about the first workshop series completed in December 2020 click here and the roundtable please click here).


Trainer's Bio

Kareem Al-Sharabi has worked in the development field since 2013. He has worked with the UN and its affiliated organisations in both Washington DC and Lebanon's refugee camps. He completed a Master’s Degree in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago (’18). There, he also worked at the writing center, leading nine undergraduate writing seminars per academic quarter. Since January 2019, he has worked at the West Asia-North Africa Institute in Amman, Jordan, in the areas of human security research and business development, as well as an editor for the communications division. 

His training in this project will focus on transferring technical skills such as writing and research, as well as content on the fundamentals of refugee studies. 


Target Group:

The project is inviting eight Jordanian scholars, experts, and professionals from the ages of 21 to 35 with an interest in refugees and forced migration issues. Ideal candidates should have some previous research experience and be well grounded in refugee and forced migrant issues, as well as other issues relevant to Jordan-EU relations. We are seeking candidates with creative and original research topics.


Application Process:

Candidates are requested to submit the completed application form along with their CV (no longer than 3 pages). Papers will be written in English, with limited exceptions for Arabic papers given in special circumstances.

Please email the application form as well as the CV to with the subject heading "Jordan-EU Dialogue on Human Security" by 22 of March, 2021.


Kindly direct any inquiries to Kareem Al-Sharabi, Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the WANA Insitute:, copying Shereen Shaheen, Director of Programmes at WANA:

Here you will find the program for download: Jordan-EU Dialogue Application Form.docx

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Bayan Al-Halawani

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