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Expert conference

The Role of Parliaments in the Emerging Arab Democracies

Participation is upon personal invitation only.

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With the start of the Arab Spring, societies in the Middle East began to demand their right and desire for meaningful democracy. Such democracy requires a parliament that is able and willing to fully represent the interests and demands of its citizen. Whilst previous, respectively, current dictatorships have widely marginalized the role of the parliament through corruption, anti-pluralism, and repression the Arab Spring now presents significant opportunities to the new parliaments in achieving democracy. In light of these developments, the KAS Amman and the Al-Quds Center for Political Studies organize a regional workshop and invite regional experts as well as scholars of parliamentary studies to discuss the newly envisaged role of parliaments in emerging Arab democracies.

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Amman, Jordan


Dr. Martin Beck


Simone Hüser

Research Fellow and Project Officer

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Al-Quds Center for Political Studies