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Countering Radicalization among Jordan’s Youth in the Provinces

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An increased radicalization of youth in the Arab world is also seen in Jordan in the form of an expanded base of Salafi groups in the country; a growing number of young Jordanians fighting in Syria and Iraq; and an abundance of hate speech in social media platforms. To understand main drivers of radicalization among Jordanian youth and to promote the values of tolerance and pluralism and raise awareness of risks of radicalism, KAS Jordan Office, in cooperation with MEMPSI, conducts a workshop on, “Countering Radicalization among Jordan’s Youth” in Irbid, Jordan, on 26 September 2016.

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Irbid, Jordan


Dr. Gidon Windecker


Imke Haase

Imke Haase bild

Research Fellow, Project Manager +962 6 592 97 77-206 +962 6 59 33 087

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