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Training Workshop on: Capacity Building for the Staff of the Ministry of Social Development

and Charities in the Field of Public Service Management and Communication

Participation is upon personal invitation only.

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In the past years the public service sector has undergone severe changes. In order to react appropriately to these changes and to guarantee a good quality of service, the expertise of ministry staff has to be optimized. Therefore, KAS in cooperation with MOSD is conducting a training workshop on Capacity Building for the staff of MOSD as well as charities working in the field of public service management and communication. The event will take place on the 8th and 9th of March 2014 in Aqaba.

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Aqaba, Jordan


Dr. Otmar Oehring

Internationaler Religionsdialog 030 26996 - 3743

Nida'a Al-Shraideh

Nida'a Al-Shraideh bild

Project Manager

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