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fully booked

African Media Councils' Meeting

Convened by the South African Press Council and supported by KAS Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa.

The aim of the meeting is to strengthen self-regulation of media content in Africa by fostering communication and an exchange of information between independent media councils, identifying issues of common concern, discussing the establishment of a network of media councils, and giving African delegates the opportunity to prepare for and attend the conference of the global Organisation of News Ombudsmen and Standards.


fully booked

Adenauer Media Lecture

Television is dead, long live television!

The first Adenauer Media Lecture will take place at Wits University on the 19th of March 2024.

Expert conference

fully booked

Local Journalism Conference 2024

New Challenges for Local Journalism

Local news is the solution for the survival of ailing media.


KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award Call for Submissions 2024

KAS Media Africa invites you to make your submissions in English or French for consideration.

Local journalism is what makes the media and its audiences tick. It is the stories around us and about us, that speak to the situation in a country. Moreover, local news, if presented professionally, can be elevated to national level and sometimes, even make international headlines. Many local journalists struggle daily with breaking international news down to a local level. How does a coup d’état in Mali affect its neighbouring countries? What does climate change mean for the subsistence farmer in Zimbabwe?


Managing Conflict in Today's Newsroom 2023

Executive Education Course

Today’s newsroom environment is not devoid of conflict. With many competing interests, especially the business demand for media survival while journalists do what they know best – tell compelling stories – there is bound to be conflict.

Expert conference

fully booked

KAS Media Africa Conference on Business Journalism

Senior Media Practitioners Meet to Exchange About Finance and Economics

Finance and economics reporting is a fundamental element of journalism.

Expert conference

fully booked

The Opportunities of Local Journalism

The Need for Quality and Sustainability

Local Journalism in Africa faces many challenges, including the lack of recognition by the public and increasing financial constraints. These are a threat to the sustainability of local journalism - a critical element of media across the world.


Managing Conflict in Today's Newsroom

Professional Development Course

A newsroom manager’s role is much broader than having the team deliver on publishing expectations. It calls for managing conflict in a way that does not disrupt processes and impact on journalism quality.


fully booked

Managing Conflict in Today's Newsroom

KAS Media Africa and the Aga Khan University partner for professional development course

Conflict is imminent in today’s newsrooms. A Newsroom manager’s role is much broader than simply delivering a good product. They have to manage economic expectations, gender issues, a tight budget and political influence. That’s a big task.


fully booked

Conference on public service broadcasting in Africa

How can we rejuvenate public service broadcasting on the continent?

KAS Media Africa is due to host a conference on the revitalisation of public radio. This event will gather almost 15 experts from across the continent. The conversations will explore various issues – such as the role of public broadcasters in African countries, the advent of social media and its impact on broadcasting, as well as the quality of journalism the public is exposed to.

Asset Publisher

World Journalism Education Congress

Over 600 journalism educators from 42 countries descended on the small South African university town of Gramhamstown, for discussions on the challenges facing the sector, and to map out ways of improving the quality of journalism education in a fast and constantly changing media landscape

Seminar on the impact of the 2010 World Cup on South Africa

A group of Germans, Kenyans, Ugandans, and Zimbabweans gathered at the Deutshe International Schule in Johannesburg, South Africa recently, to examine and report on the impact that the 2010 FIFA World Cup has had on the so-called rainbow nation.

Diskussion mit internationaler Journalistenrunde

Wie haben die südafrikanischen Medien bis jetzt über die WM berichtet? Waren es die Kraftanstrengungen wert, die WM nun in Südafrika zu erleben? Was bleibt am Ende für die normalen Bürger übrig? Über diese und andere Fragen diskutierten am 17. Juni Nic Dawes, Chefredakteur des „Mail & Guardian“, Horatio Motjuwadi, Chefredakteur des „Sowetan“, Professor Anton Harber, Leiter des Medienbereichs der Witwatersrand Universität, und Frank Windeck, Leiter des Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika.

Power Reporting Workshop

Investigative Journalism in Africa

Muckraker – not only a complimentary term for journalists who uncover nuisances in politics as well as over areas of society. Such ‘muckrakers’ gathered for three days in Johannesburg at the Wits Power Reporting Workshop both to inform and to discuss about their work.

Conference for Journalism Educators in Africa

Journalism Educators from several parts of Africa gathered in Johannesburg to discuss ways of improving all aspects of journalism education in African universities.

Radio Management Workshop

Participants from different Sub-Saharan countries met in Johannesburg for one week to receive management training in radio. This was aimed at improving their quality of radio productions by reforming management of radio stations.

Media Programme reaches thousands of internet users through twitter at their conference

Within the framework of the Africa Media Leadership Conference, that took place in Accra, Ghana beginning of October 2009, the Media Programme sub-Sahara Africa started a trial ballon of a digital kind.

Afrikanische Medienkonferenz der KAS gewinnt stark an Bedeutung

Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2002 veranstaltet das Medienprogramm Sub-Sahara Afrika einmal jährlich seine Africa Media Leadership Conference (AMLC). An wechselnden Orten treffen sich dazu Chefredakteure, Herausgeber und Besitzer von afrikanischen Medienhäusern, um aktuelle Probleme im Journalismus des Kontinents zu besprechen, neue Netzwerke über Ländergrenzen hinweg aufzubauen, alte Kontakte weiter zu pflegen und zukünftige Probleme im Medienbereich zu analysieren sowie passende Lösungen für eben diese Probleme zu erarbeiten.

Election Reporting in South Africa

Radio workshop

"Revenue Generation for Robust African Media"

New Media Manual Published