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Event Reports


Data as Political Capital

What kind of Rules & Regulations do we need for a digitized Democracy

Digitization has completely altered the way our societies communicate and how political opinion-making is shaped. Foreign interference, online hate-speech, data leaks on social media platforms, fake-news have made it more important than ever to define a global rules-based system and code of conduct that sets a common standard and protects democracy.

Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, Professor at the Universidad del Pacifico in Peru, together with co-authors introduced the newest publication called Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America at a book launch event at KAS New York. The meeting was co-organized by the KAS country office in Lima and featured contributing authors from Brazil, Costa Rica and Colombia presenting national case studies from their respective countries. The researchers also met with representatives of various United Nations agencies and faith-based institutions based in the New York City area.

Cyber-Security: an issue for national and international security

From May 13 – 17, the KAS New York office hosted a dialogue program with security experts from Brazil on the topic of Cyber-Security. In the discussions, delegates brought in their broad range of expertise from their diplomatic, academic and private sector background.

Crafting an Alliance for Multilateralism

The KAS New York Office, jointly with the EU funded Jean Monnet Research Network on EU-UN Relations (EUN-NET) and the German Marshall Fund of the United States hosted a first discussion on the proposed “Alliance for Multilateralism” on May 14th. Opening remarks by the German Permanent Representatives to the United Nations, Dr. Christoph Heusgen started off a vibrant discussion with panelists Edith Drieskens (Leuven University), Maria Gianniou (Athens University of Economics and Business), Robert Kissack (Barcelona Institute of International Studies) and Jake Sherman (International Peace Institute) moderated by Jan Techau (GMF).

Democracy Works

Together with its South African partner, The Brenthurst Foundation, the KAS office New York launched the study Democracy Works.

Media as a Guardian of Democratic Values and Multilateral Institutions

KAS NY welcomes bloggers and independent journalists hailing from Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the DRC & South Africa who create content for the KAS supported media platform africablogging to examine how media can be a guardian of democratic values and multilateral institutions


„Nous sommes en train de recouler“

Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights are neither self-evident nor irrevocable – more than ever, we have to fight for them

On April 24th, 2019 the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege , met at KAS Office New York with representatives of UN agencies and non-governmental organizations. The focus of the ensuing discussion was how civil society can be even more instrumental in the fight against sexual violence in conflict zones.

Europe Goes to the Polls: What to Expect from the European Parliamentary Election

Mr. Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament, briefed the audience on the upcoming European elections, a watershed moment for the European Union. The event was cohosted by the American Council on Germany (ACG).

Discussion on Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System

Dr. Max-Otto Baumann, Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute, introduced a pre-liminary version of the report titled Shades of Grey: Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System at KAS New York Office soliciting feedback from a group of experts from UN agencies and Member States’ missions.

KAS New York

Contemporary Challenges to the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, KAS New York, NYC BAR Association

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.