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Launching of NAZAHA's 5-month training program to fight for integrity

In 2019, NAZAHA, the Palestinian Academy for Integrity has achieved the main objective for this project; NAZAHA has completed a long-term building capacity training in the field of integrity. This training was designed to build knowledge to a special expert trainers in the filled of integrity. NAZAHA aimed through this project to develop a generation of Palestinian expert trainers and develop measurable methods and tools, within our Palestinian reality, to employ in the general practices undertaken by decision-makers at various levels.


Industrial facilities: Between the destruction of the war of 2014 and reconstruction

IoL Legal Encounters

The Institute of Law at Birzeit University organizes a legal encounter in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The workshop reviews the economic situation of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip following the 2014 war.


About the Situation of Christians in the Holy Land

Political Engagement, Economic Perspectives and Migration Trends

Lecture by Dr. Mitri Raheb, Lutheran Pastor and founder of the Dar al-Kalima University College of Arts and Culture in Bethlehem. The lecture will be concluded with an open discussion.


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PUMUN - Orientation Day

In cooperation with the Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy we are kicking off the project "Palestinian University Model United Nations". More than 100 young people from five Palestinian universities will attend the orientation day to get all the necessary information for the coming months.


7amleh Center Launches the Full Program and Registration for the Palestinian Digital Activism Forum 2019

The forum will be attended by over 30 representatives of major institutions working in the field(s) of digital media and digital rights, led by institutions such as Deutsche Welle, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. In addition, activists, journalists, students, jurists and those who are interested in the field of digital rights and social media from the West Bank, Jerusalem, Taybeh and Gaza Strip will attend PDAF.

Study and Information Program

Go Local

Media training for young journalists and youth councils' members

Go Local is an annual training series that targets young journalists and journalism students as well as young leaders in Palestinian local councils. With weekly sessions to train the students on several subjects such as online journalism and public speaking among other topics, the trainees have access to media experts at Dooz all year long and are offered the chance to translate their new acquired knowledge into media content that is reviewed and published on Dooz's several online platforms, which have millions of views and followers.


Research on the socio-economic legislation in the West Bank and Gaza


Street Summit: Khan Al-Ahmar

In partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestinian Territories, the Palestinian Vision Organization holds its final event in our cooperation for 2018. A "Street Summit" will take place in Khan Al-Ahmar Village in the Jerusalem Governorate.


Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No. 70

Press Conference / Round Table The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and its partner, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR), are inviting you to discuss the findings of the latest Palestinian Public Opinion Poll.

Study and Information Program

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Study and Dialogue Program for Young Representatives from the Palestinian Startup Sector

An entrepreneurial revolution is taking over the world including the Palestinian territories. More Palestinian youth from the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip are venturing this new field to change their present and shape their future. KAS Ramallah organized a six-day program in the biggest startup hub in Europe, the German Capital Berlin. And over the course of the program, the delegates discovered what makes Berlin an attractive location for entrepreneurs and connected with the leading players in this field.  

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Research on the socio-economic legislation in the West Bank and Gaza

The Institute of Law (IoL) at Birzeit University conducts a research project in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

For 2019, IoL recruited a research team to look closer into the socio-economic legislation in Palestine. The studies are related to the right to health, the right to work, and the right to housing of Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, IoL worked on a possible application of the social market economy in Palestine.

Axel Springer Academy study program

The Axel Springer Academy for young journalists visits Palestine to meet experts and learn about the facts on the ground

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestine hosted a group of young German journalists in the city of Ramallah to offer them insights into the Palestinian reality. The participants of the Axel Springer Academy had the chance to meet with Palestinian experts and learn more about local and regional politics, economy, human rights, the local media and everyday life.

PhD study and dialogue program

The doctoral study course “Security and Development in the 21th century” visits Palestine and discusses regional and local challenges

For three days, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestine hosted a group of German doctoral candidates to offer them a closer look into the regional and local security and development challenges. As part of their study and dialogue program in Israel and Palestine, the participants had the chance to meet and discuss the topic with our Palestinian and international experts, diplomats and politicians.

CDU politicians visit Palestine and learn about security and religion

The Baden-Württemberg politicians visited Ramallah and discussed Palestinian-German relations, security and religion with three German and Palestinian experts.

KAS-Day 2019

Networking, farewell and welcome

On this year’s KAS-Day, we celebrated once again the continuing presence of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Palestine, bid farewell to our country director Mr Marc Frings, and welcomed his successor Mr Steven Höfner.

KAS-ELES dialogue program

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestine office hosted a group of German KAS and Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) scholarship holders in the city of Ramallah to offer them a closer look into the Palestinian society and meet with experts to learn more about local politics, economy, human rights and everyday life.

Consumer Protection: Reality and Responsibilities

To what extent and through what measures are Palestinian consumers protected by law?

The Institute of Law at Birzeit University organized a legal encounter in Gaza-City featuring the legal advisor Maan Atrash to discuss the realities and responsibilities of consumer protection in Palestine.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber lectures on EU-Middle East relations at Birzeit University

Professor Dr. Demmelhuber from the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany visits Birzeit University and gives a lecture about the foreign policy of the European Union towards the Middle East.

Expert discussion: KAS-PSR discuss findings of Public Opinion Poll No. 73

On September 16, the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) presented the findings of the 73 joint Public Opinion Poll carried out in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestine during a press conference at our office in Ramallah.

Young Palestinians from civil society and media participate in the Berlin Dialogue Program

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Palestinian Territories and KAS Berlin organized a week long (June 23 – July 01, 2019) dialogue program for young Palestinians from different sectors. A group of young Palestinian representatives from politics, civil society and media participated in the program to speak about the engagement of youth in politics. The group met with politicians and actors representing political parties and other representatives of civil society organizations in Germany.