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A Quest For Regional Solutions

by Benedikt Seemann, Tonette de Jesus

Challenges and Prospects for Conflicts in the South China Sea

What does China’s rise mean to the Asia Pacific region and how to deal with it? That is the question most frequently addressed by scholars, analysts, and decision-makers right now. But what if China is not rising? What if it has risen already? What if unilateral approaches provide no solution? Assuming this is the case, it’s worth looking, not only at China itself, but instead for regional solutions and answers.

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This publication by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines aims to provide a comprehensive view on certain challenges and questions. The questions asked here, revolving around the key players and processes in the South China Sea, reflect more than just a geopolitical, China-centric view. The playing field is way too complicated to only look at one state in the broader context of regional conflicts. On the other side, this book is not solely written from a Philippine point of view, either. As a matter of fact, numerous experts and authors coming from different backgrounds and different parts of the world tried to paint a picture that comes from diverse points of view, attempting to create a bigger picture, which allows us to understand better the complexities underlying the current disputes and options for dispute resolution.

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