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Visit of Dr. Norbert Lammert, President of the German Bundestag and Vice-President of Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The two-day visit of H.E. Dr. Norbert Lammert in Singapore will, inter alia, comprise the following events:

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Courtesy calls on and discussions with the Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, the Speaker of the House H.E. Abdullah Tarmugi, and a roundtable discussion with representatives from leading think tanks and the civil society.

Dr. Lammert will also deliver the keynote speech on the topic “Globalization and the Future of EU-East Asia Relations” at the ISEAS Regional Outlook Forum 2008 (Shangri-La Hotel) with approx. 500 participants from government offices, academia, private sector, the diplomatic corps and the media.

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Bundestagspräsident Dr. Norbert Lammert in Singapur
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Dr. Colin Dürkop

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