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Study and Information Program

International Summer School Sarajevo 2024

A great opportunity for students and young professionals to enhance their knowledge on transitional justice and its role in promoting human rights and rule of law.

Expert conference

War Crimes in Prijedor and its Surroundings - Message for the Future

By convening legal experts, journalists, survivors and next generation, the conference casts a spotlight on seeking justice and deriving lessons from the past.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Online-Training “Public Relations / Spokespersons at Courts”

Online training with the judge and expert for public relations Ingrid Kaps (President of the District Court in Erding, Germany)

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLP SEE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the judge and trainer Ingrid Kaps and the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution in Montenegro organized an online training on public relations and press work at courts for Montenegrin judges and spokespersons.

Expert conference

Conference "Rule of Law Checklist Montenegro"

Centre for Democracy and Human Rights / RLPSEE

At the event "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro", first of all one of the authors, Mr. Milorad Markovíc will present the work "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro" published in 2020. This analysis deals with the rule of law structures of the EU accession candidate Montenegro. The basis for this study is the "Rule of Law Checklist" of the Venice Commission, which was structured and adapted by Dr. Mahir Muharemovic of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The focus of the analysis is to examine the practical implementation of rule of law criteria in Montenegro. After the presentation of the publication, high-ranking Montenegrin legal experts and representatives of the judiciary will discuss challenges to the rule of law in Montenegro in the second part of the event. The conference takes place in Podogorica and online ( zoom:

Expert conference

Conference “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro”

Presentation of the publication “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro” and panel discussion on ongoing challenges in the Rule of Law in Montenegro

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with CEDEM (Centre for Democracy and Human Rights) organized an online conference in hybrid form (online and offline) to present the analysis "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro".

Study and Information Program

Nachwuchsjuristen aus Rumänien zu Besuch bei deutschen Justizbehörden in Berlin

Das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa (RSP SOE) verfolgt das Ziel, besonders qualifizierte Nachwuchsjuristen aus den Ländern Südosteuropas zu fördern.

Expert talk

Presentation of the Romanian translation of the publication "Covid-19 and the impact on human rights"

An event for judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania with guests from Armenia

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with "The Aire Centre" and "Civil Right Defenders", organised an online event presenting the Romanian translation publication "Covid-19 and the Impact on Human Rights".


Digitalization of Justice

Online panel discussion

The current COVID-19 pandemic proofs the need for digitalization in every area of life - including in justice. While first steps are already taken, there are still a lot of obstacles on the way to a digital access for citizens to justice and automation of court hearings. In this context, Estonia with its multiple approaches to build a digital society is considered a pioneer in Europe. What are the opportunities and challenges of the digitalization of justice? What can other European countries learn from Estonia? We're going to discuss this with five experts from Estonia, Germany and Romania: Leanika Tamm, Judge at Pärnu County Court, Estonia, Ingo Groß, Court President at Brunswick District Court, Germany, Kai Härmand, Judge at Harju County Court, Estonia, Benedikt Quarch, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of the Legal Tech company RightNow Group, Germany and Mariana Feldioreanu, Court President at Bucharest District Court, Romania. We invite you to watch the livestream on:


Leaders for Justice 2020 - Team Leading and Team-work. The Tale of I Do vs. We Do

Second training session (11th edition, 2020)

The second training session of the 11th edition of our leadership programme for young Romanian law proffessionals will take place in Sibiel, between February 13-16. The main subject addressed during the four day training will be situational leadership and teamwork, led by trainers Mihai Dragoi and Marian Stas. The training session will include a workshop with Ciprian Ciocan, director of the Community Foundation Sibiu.

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Leaders for Justice

Report on the first 3 training session

First leadership program for Romanian junior jurists, Leaders for Justice, initiated by the Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in March 2010 reached its half way. The first three training sessions took place in March, April and May. You can find here a short report on the development of the program.

Quo vadis rumänische Justiz

Rede von Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos anlässlich ihrer Verabschiedung als Leiterin des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa

Nach mehr als vierjähriger Tätigkeit als Leiterin des KAS-Rechtsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa hat Frau Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos im Rahmen einer Konferenz zum Thema "Quo vadis rumänische Justiz" einige Ihrer Eindrücke vorgetragen. Die Rede finden Sie hier.

"Unabhängigkeit der Verfassungsgerichte"

Bericht über ein Fachgespräch Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit mit dem albanischen Verfassungsgericht

Die Förderung einer funktionstüchtigen Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit stellt seit den Anfängen der Rechtsstaatsarbeit der KAS eine zentrale Stiftungsaufgabe dar. Ein wichtiges Instrument hierfür ist die Unterstützung der Verfassungsgerichte. Das KAS-Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa (RSP SOE) nimmt sich dieser Aufgabe in SOE seit Beginn seiner Aktivitäten an. Das Fachgespräch Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit, das das RSP SOE mit dem albanischen Verfassungsgericht am 30. April in Tirana ausgerichtet hat, stellt eine von mehreren Veranstaltungen des RSP SOE zu diesem Themenfeld dar.

"Rechtsstaat und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit/Pravna država i ustavno sudstvo"

Speech by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Papier at the Regional Constitutional Courts' Conference (available in German/Serbian)

The Rule of Law Program South East Europe organised together with the Constitutional Court in South East Europe the first Regional Constitutional Courts Conference for the countries of the Western Balkan on "Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice" in October 2009. Guest of honour and key-note speaker was Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Papier, former president of the German Constitutional Court. His speech caused a very positive response amongst the numerous renowned constitutional law experts that attended the conference.

Bericht und Pressespiegel zur Konferenz "Die Rolle von Eliten in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft"

Konferenz anlässlich der Eröffnung des Nachwuchsführungsprogramms "Lideri pentru Justitie"

Das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat nach mehr als dreijähriger Vorbereitung am 3. März 2010 im Rahmen einer Konferenz zum Thema "Die Rolle von Eliten in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft" in Bukarest das erste juristische Nachwuchsführungsprogramm in Rumänien eröffnet. An der Konferenz haben als Redner der rumänische Justizminister, der Rechtsberater des rumänischen Staatspräsidenten, der Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Bukarest, Rechtsprofessorin Simina Tanasescu und Förderer des Programms teilgenommen.

"Die Rolle von Eliten in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft"

Begrüßungsrede der Leiterin des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Dr. iur. Stefanie Ricarda Roos, anlässlich der gleichnamigen Konferenz zur Eröffnung des ersten juristischen Nachwuchsführungsprogramms für junge Juristen aus Rumänien, "Lideri pentru Justitie", am 3. März 2010 in Bukarest, Rumänien.

Event report Regional Constitutional Courts' Conference (German)

Report on the Regional Constitutional Courts' Conference "Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice"(German)

From the 26th to the 28th October 2009 the jointly with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia organised Constitutional Court Conference: "Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice" took place in Belgrade, Serbia. The conference was the largest project of the RSP SOE on the topic 'strenghtening the constitutional jurisdiction' in 2009. The RSP SOE publication "Essential decisions of the Bundesverfassungsgericht" was presented at the event as well.

Summary of activities in support of Constitutional Courts in East Europe

An overview over projects in support of the constitutional jurisdictioction in 2009 (only in German)

The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (RSP SOE) presents an overview over projects in support of the constitutional jurisdiction in 2009. In the last year, the RSP SOE conducted numerous projects to support the work of the constitutional courts. Amongst these projects is a translation of essential decisions of the German consitutional court into four languages of the Western balkan as well as a large regional conference with support of the consitutional courts of Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia and Montenegro.

Press Coverage on Regional Constitutional Courts Conference - "Constitutional Judiciary in Theory and Practice"

An overview over the media coverage in reaction to the Constitutional Courts Conference (Serbian/German)

The jointly with the Serbian Constitutional Court organized first Constitutional Court Judges Conference by the RSP SOE on the topic "Constitutional Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice" evoked a large press coverage. Across the country print media and tv stations reported from the conference, especially the opening ceremony. The conference took place in Belgrade October 2009 and was a great success. The key-speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Papier, president of the German Constitutional Court. The overview on the press reviews is available in German and Serbian.

Anticorruption Policies in the Justice System

Report on a debate and book launch in Bucharest, Romania, 17 November 2009

Ensuring the independence of the judi¬ciary and the integrity of the justice sys¬tem constitutes a focus area of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe (RLP SEE). Corruption in the judiciary remains one of the major obstacles to the creation of an independent, effective, and trans¬parent justice system in SEE. The RLP EE has released its publication entitled “Cor¬ruption and Anticorruption in the Justice System” by Romanian judge Cristi Danileţ. It was presented in the con¬text of an open discussion on “Anticor¬ruption Policies in the Justice System” in Bucha¬rest, Romania, on November 17.