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KAS x SAIIA Careers Event 2024

Formative Futures

Youth unemployment in South Africa remains a critical issue, with recent statistics indicating a staggering 45,5% unemployment rate among youth (15- 35 years old). The situation is particularly acute for those holding humanities degrees, who may face the misconception that their educational background lacks practical value in the job market. However, in a world marked by rapid digitalisation, climate change, and shifting geopolitical landscapes, the skills cultivated through humanities education are more essential than ever.

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation’s Coalition Government Conference


In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, the FW De Klerk’s Constitutional Programmes team launched their election series, which aimed to provide insight into the intricate fabric of South Africa’s democracy.

Expert conference

Reflections on the 2024 general election: The youth’s perspectives.

Spotlighting the youth's perspectives.

KAS-CANRAD invites you to a seminar to discuss the general election outcomes.



How can constitutional rights of those excluded from voting be protected?

A Conference organised by the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International law (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


30 years of democracy in South Africa (German only)

Coalitions as an opportunity for a new culture of governance?

Live stream

DDP Multi-Party Forum (Livestream)

Unpacking political party manifestos for the 2024 General Elections: On Health Care, Safety & Security

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference (Livestream)

South Africa at 30 - Looking Back, Looking Around, Looking Forward


Has the African National Congress lost touch with South Africans? The party over people

A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Johannesburg Launch

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Cape Town Launch

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Local Government Innovation Knowledge-Sharing Conference

Water- and Waste Management

“Local Government Innovation Knowledge Sharing Conference” was the title of a conference, which was held on Tuesday, 11th October 2016 at the Office of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) in Cape Town. The aim of the conference, funded by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and jointly hosted by the Impumelelo Social Innovation Centre, SALGA and the Institute for Future Research (IFR), was to share knowledge, innovative ideas and best practice examples regarding sustainable Water- and Waste Management Systems between municipalities across South Africa.

Awards Evening: "Resisting Injustice"

The White Rose Art and Writing Project

In the context of the "White Rose Art Project," the Cape Town Holocaust Centre in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) invited high school learners, parents, and teachers on 18 August to take part in the opening of the exhibition that showcased the students’ artworks. Through exposure to the history of the Holocaust and Nazi Germany, the project encouraged students from grade nine to twelve from schools all over the Western Cape to share their thoughts in form of poems or paintings regarding injustice in society.

Youth Dialogue in Bellville

The Importance of Active Citizenship

The event organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in partnership with the School of Public Leadership (SPL) at Stellenbosch University and the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CFCR) brought together grade eleven and twelve learners from six different Western Cape High Schools to discuss young people’s concerns and political views. The aim of the discussion was to raise awareness for the need to become active citizens, social entrepreneurs and generally become more involved in the community.

Delegation aus Südafrika setzt sich mit Erinnerungskultur auseinander

Eine Delegation aus Südafrika besuchte vom 25.09. bis 01.10.2016 Berlin, Potsdam und Sachsenhausen. Die während des Studien- und Dialogprogramms erworbenen Erfahrungen sollen später in Bildungsveranstaltungen an Universitäten sowie im Rahmen von Dialogprogrammen und Seminaren der teilnehmenden KAS-Partnerorganisationen in Südafrika eingebracht werden. "Ernsthaftigkeit und Offenheit in Deutschland sind beeindruckend", so Gavin Morris, Leiter des Jüdischen Museums in Kapstadt.

Discourse Café with Prof. Rachel Jafta on Social Innovation

Business Solutions for Social Problems

The well-proven Discourse Café series organised by the Frederik van Zyl Slabbert (FVZS) Institute and supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) provided a platform for Prof. Rachel Jafta, social entrepreneur and Associate Professor at the Economics Department at the University of Stellenbosch, to engage with young people and give them advice on how to solve social problems by using business skills.

Demokratien unter Druck und die Herausforderungen der Parteienzusammenarbeit

Mitarbeiterkonferenz des Teams Afrika südlich der Sahara in Kapstadt

Vom 24. bis zum 28. Oktober 2016 fand in Kapstadt (Südafrika) die Mitarbeiterkonferenz des Teams Afrika südlich der Sahara unter dem Thema "Demokratien unter Druck und die Herausforderungen der Parteienzusammenarbeit“ unter Anwesenheit von Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Stellv. Generalsekretär der KAS, sowie Günter Nooke, Afrikabeauftragter der Bundeskanzlerin und des BMZ, statt. Die Gespräche im Rahmen der MAK wurden durch die Teilnahme der Staatspräsidenten a.D. Motlanthe und de Klerk sowie des Erzbischofs von Kapstadt bereichert.

Ein Tor für die Umwelt!

Erstes klimaneutrales Handballturnier in Kapstadt

Wie gut sich Sport eignet, um wichtige Themen wie Umwelt-und Klimaschutz einem jungen Publikum zu vermitteln, zeigte das erste klimaneutrale Handballturnier in Kapstadt, das die KAS in Kooperation mit ihrem Partner Play Handball ZA und dem Deutschen Handballbund (DHB) ausrichtete.

Symposium: New Frontiers in Global Environmental Constitutionalism

Implementing Human and Environmental Rights in Global Contexts

The symposium examined whether and the extent to which constitutional and other rights-based approaches, including international and regional human rights, promote environmental protection.

UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris: Challenges and Opportunities for Africa

Post-COP21 Expert Roundtable-Discussion

The Roundtable discussion reflected in an interdisciplinary manner on the COP21 Paris Agreement and particularly what challenges and opportunities arise from the Agreement and how law, politics, finance and related mechanisms can further climate change justice ahead and enfold protection mechanisms for the most vulnerable.


“Drawing on the past to build a future inclusive and united South Africa”

South Africa is currently under rising pressure from the economic, social and political sphere. Social movements, made up especially of young South Africans that are spilling from social media platforms into the streets demand affordable education and hold their political leaders to account. At the same time the Rand remains at a low of R15 to the US Dollar – a good point to evaluate how far South Africa has come in the past two decades and what direction it may take in the near future.