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politička izvješća

Voting behaviour in the Estonian parliamentary elections of 2011

od Thomas Schneider

Research Paper

Results of Estonia`s 2011 general elections were in accordance with political developments and major trends from the start of election cycle in 2007. During the years 2009-2011 Estonia went through one of the severest financial and economic crises in the whole of Europe and despite harsh end even radical budget cuts which were hard to absorb for the society, media and popular estimation was rather univocally positive towards policy measures implemented by liberal-conservative coalition.

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Zaklada Konrad Adenauer ima vlastite urede u 80-ak država na pet kontinenata. Zaposlenici na licu mjesta mogu iz prve ruke izvještavati o aktualnim događajima i dugoročnim zbivanjima u državama u kojima rade. U "Izvještajima iz zemalja" posjetiteljima web stranice Zaklade Konrad Adenauer se ekskluzivno nude analize, dodatne informacije i procjene.

naručivanje informacija


Estonia Estonia

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