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Waste Summit 2020

Circular Economy

Waste is created in every country. In Cambodia, robust economic development coupled with a rapidly growing population mean the amount of waste generated in urban center, particularly Phnom Penh, is growing dramatically. The capital city generates around 4.09 million tons per year of solid waste, 55.3% of the total waste comes from household, followed by hotels/guesthouses (16.7%), restaurants (13.8%), markets (7.5%), shops (5.4%) and offices (1.4%). Could these wastes be turned into energy? Cambodia, apart from waste management issue, has also suffer from significant energy shortage. The country has among the highest electricity prices in the regions, especially in rural areas which could cost up to USD 1 per kWh. Given Cambodia’s alarming level of waste production and the rising concern over energy access, the process of turning waste to energy could be the future solution for the country.

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Together with ADW (Arbeitskreis Deutsche Wirtschaft) or German Business Group in Cambodia and other local and international development partners, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Cambodia (KAS Cambodia) will organize the 3rd Waste Summit which will take place on the 25th of June, 2020 at The Factory, Phnom Penh. In this new decade, the theme of the Waste Summit will be the most discussed yet least understood topic in Cambodia, Waste to Energy.

Waste is created in every country. In Cambodia, robust economic development coupled with a rapidly growing population mean the amount of waste generated in urban center, particularly Phnom Penh, is growing dramatically. The capital city generates around 4.09 million tons per year of solid waste, 55.3% of the total waste comes from household, followed by hotels/guesthouses (16.7%), restaurants (13.8%), markets (7.5%), shops (5.4%) and offices (1.4%). Could these wastes be turned into energy? Cambodia, apart from waste management issue, has also suffer from significant energy shortage. The country has among the highest electricity prices in the regions, especially in rural areas which could cost up to USD 1 per kWh. Given Cambodia’s alarming level of waste production and the rising concern over energy access, the process of turning waste to energy could be the future solution for the country.

The heart of the 3rd Waste Summit—Waste to Energy—will be the lively and interactive panel discussions and the exhibition showcasing important new business model, tech and beyond about how potential process of turning waste to energy in Cambodia. Participants will immerse themselves in an environment full of people from different sectors and institutions from national to international level working toward a cleaner and more efficient Cambodia.

Who can join

We welcome visitor from all sectors and backgrounds including

  • government officials from the national and local level
  • waste entrepreneurs and companies
  • INGOs and NOGs
  • start-ups and students
  • ​waste experts and consultants and beyond 

How to join

As an exhibitor:

Register yourself as an exhibitor for the 2020 Waste Summit—Waste to Energy, if you

  • have work, business model, companies, SMEs, or innovation that is related to waste preferably how to turn waste into something useful
  • want to share and showcase your business idea, innovation, initiative or your work during the summit.

As a participant:

The 3rd Waste Summit—Waste to Energy is a public event. We call for those whoever are interested in joining and participating in this annual event and those who want to immerse themselves in business and tech ideas, entrepreneurial and social approaches to innovate the Cambodian waste management system.

Information and call for participants

The Waste Summit 2020—Waste to Energy will take place on 25th of June 2020 at The Factory, Phnom Penh. Register here to be a part of this grand annual event. And if you know people who have ideas, feel free to connect us and help us bring together relevant stakeholders.

Online registration form

***Note: There is No Registration Fee. All interested participants and exhibitors are invited to register Free of Charge.

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