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Read more about our upcoming events and activity highlights!

de Anisha Alinda

Newsletter 03/2020

Check out the 3rd edition of our 2020 Newsletter running from July to September.

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This quarter has been action packed with a wide variety of activities and events. Owing to the current Covid-19 Pandemic, a majority of these activities have been conducted online through our various digital platforms. We are extremely grateful for the continued participation of each and every one of you in these events. It is our commitment to continue engaging each other on different projects and topics which impact our society. We should use these platforms as a mechanism of not only exchanging ideas, but also make recommendations which will ensure that society is positively impacted through our involvement.

KAS is in its advanced stages of finalizing preparations for this years, 03rd Kampala Geopolitics Conference slated to take place between 19th and 30th October 2020. You are all invited to take part in this exciting event. We shall soon be informing you of how the event will be taking place. We shall also be joining Leo Africa for its annual Leaders gathering during this coming quarter and we in the same spirit invite your participation.

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