
Страновой отчет

Study and Dialogue Program for Mongolian Politicians

At the invitation of the KAS, four Mongolian politicians and scientists visited Berlin last week. The program was organized by the team for Inland Programs and accompanied by Mr. Tomislav Delincic, consultant for Northeast Asia, and our overseas member of staff, Johannes D. Rey.Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Deputy Department Head and Head of the Department for European and International Cooperation, devoted plenty of time to the Mongolian delegation during lunch to answer their questions related to the work of the KAS and the establishing of political foundations.



The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been working with different partner organisations in Mongolia for more than 20 years. In addition to traditional policy and party policy advice, especially issues such as local self-government, decentralization and the foreign policy concept of the “third neighbour” will be dealt with. The overall aim is to foster the development of a democratic state and social order, and to support the transitional process towards a market economy with social orientation.

Due to the central role of political parties within such a process, the dialogue with political players will also feature intense discussions on the program, organisation and financing of modern popular parties. In this context, the Mongolian Parliament, the Great State Khural, decided to orientate the restatement of the Mongolian Party Law based on the German model. The possible transferability of the German model of political foundations is considered as a possibility to help develop and strengthen Mongolian parties and their programs.

The KAS plays a prominent role in this process and is in close contact with Ms. Burmaa, Member of Parliament, who is very committed to this process. In her function as Chairman of the group of German-Mongolian parliamentarians, she has a key role to German-Mongolian relations. The Mongolian President Ts. Elbegdorj has also shown great interest in the German model of political foundations and the German Law on Political Parties.

As a continuation of a program from April 2013, the current visit aims to support the Democratic Party and the presidential office in establishing the legal framework necessary for the creation of political foundations and to update the new Mongolian Party Law in a professional manner. In this spirit, Ms. Burma has recently outlined the direction for the future: "If we copy the Germans, then let´s do it properly."





Auslandsbüro Mongolei


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