

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP): First Training for the 11th Batch

Political Parties, Functions, and Organisations in Democratic Societies

As we enter a new decade, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia proudly presents the 11th batch of young politicians from 12 Asian countries who will undergo a two-year training programme on political party building, local governance and development, election campaigning, and European politics. The first training module will be held this coming 16-21 February 2020 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.




The Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) is a regional programme for Asian political leaders aged 24-25 years old who have a keen interest in developing personal skills sets and knowledge capacities in order to better contribute to their political parties and communities back home. This training programme is designed to strengthen political parties in Asia and to develop a cadre of accountable and responsible young political leaders.  Also, it aims to develop their skills by engaging them in concrete actions in the form of political projects that can help to improve their own political parties and their constituency.


This coming February 2020, we will meet with the eleventh batch of young politicians from twelve different Asian countries, namely Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand to kick-start the first training module on political parties, functions, organisations in democratic society. During this first module, participants will learn about different political systems; role and function of parties in democratic societies; understand the effects of political dynasties on governance and development; acquire skills on pitching, storytelling, debating; and undergo a bridging democratic leadership workshop.


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Место проведения мероприятия

Auslandsbüro Kambodscha
House No. 4, Street 462 Khan Charmkar Mon, P.O. Box 944,
Phnom Penh
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KASYP Batch 11 First Training Module Successfully Completed!

Rey Padit

Rey Padit

Programmmanager, Politische Kooperation

rey.padit@kas.de +65 6603 6161

