

Strengthening understanding and application of criminal provisions to protect the rights of women and children

Training Seminar

Protection of human rights and civil rights in line with the spirit of the 2013 Constitution as well as International Conventions that Vietnam is a member of are one of high priorities under The Penal Code 2015. With that in mind, The Penal Code 2015 has created a mechanism to protect the lawful rights of the vulnerable people in the society, especially the women and children. To deeply understand the new provisions of the Penal Code 2015 as well as to effectively apply the law in practice, the Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation of the Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with KAS Vietnam, organises a training seminar which aims at strengthening understanding and application of criminal provisions to protect the rights of women and children as well as international standards relating to the rights of women and children during criminal justice process. The training seminar is scheduled to take place in Hanoi on 23 August 2019 with participants from relevant sectors such as law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, labor sector and social welfare. Participants are expected to exchange their valuable practical experiences on the said issues.


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