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Launching Seminar of Research on Social Market Economy & Lessons for Vietnam

On November, 21st KAS Vietnam co-hosted the launching seminar of a VEPR study on German Social Market Economy and the lessons for Vietnam. The Social Market Economy has been implemented in the late 1940s under the former chancellor Konrad Adenauer and is seen as one of the causes that lead to the so-called "Wirtschaftswunder" (=German Economic Miracle) after the second world war in Germany. The researchers Assoc. Prof Nguyen Duc Thanh and MA. Nguyen Thi Hoa presented the study's results and gave insights into similarities and differences between the German and Vietnamese systems. Further, the report was commented on by high-ranking scholars. Special focus was placed on the aspects education and environmental implications. The final part of the event consisted of a Q&A session with the distinguished experts. "This research discusses opportunities for Vietnam to learn from the German experiences with Social Market Economy. One has to be very careful: to transfer or copy policies from one context or country to another rarely works. BUT: there might be elements that could suit the Vietnamese economy more than others. This is what the study is looking at in its recommendations.", Peter Girke commented. Thank you for the successful collaboration in 2019 to VEPR! We are looking forward to the upcoming projects in the next year.

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Fondacioni Konrad-Adenauer, institucionet e saj arsimore, qendrat arsimore dhe zyrat në vendet e huaja, për çdo vit ofrojnë disa mijëra evenimente rreth temave të ndryshme. Rreth konferencave ekskluzive, rreth evenimenteve, simpoziumeve etj. ne për Ju raportojmë aktualisht dhe eksklusizisht në Përveç përmbledhjes përmbajtësore, Ju këtu mund të gjeni edhe materiale të tjera si fotografi, dorëshkrime të fjalimeve, fragmente video ose audio.

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