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Observations & Outlook on the 2nd Round Ghana Elections 2008

An Analytical Outlook

The 2008 Ghana Elections have been described by many international commentators such as the European Union, Africa Union, Commonwealth and ECOWAS Observer Missions as well as local observer mission, like the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO), including the international and local media as transparent, free and fair, and most and importantly as an African country, peaceful. Congratulation goes to the people of Ghana and various stakeholders who contributed in diverse civic educations advocacy programmes on voter education.

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Auslandsbüro Ghana

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Fondacija Konrad Adenauer zastupljena je u preko 80 država, na svih pet kontinenata. Direktori predstavništava izveštavaju sa lica mesta o aktuelnim događajima i dugoročnim tendencijama. "Izveštaji iz Srbije" nude korisnicima internet-stranice Fondacije Konrad Adenauer ekskluzivne analize, pozadinske informacije i procene.

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Ghana Ghana