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Opportunities for a more Inclusive Indian Foreign Policy

-by Kubernein Initiative-KAS India

New and emerging challenges, from the uncertainties caused by climate change to the cascading effects of the ongoing pandemic, call for alterations in traditional approaches to decision making. Voices need to be heard from diverse skill sets, backgrounds, expertise and lived experiences. A more inclusive foreign policy lens recognises the emerging threats to a nation and global relationships with an approach that is both progressive and realistic. With these issues in mind the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung India Office in cooperation with the Kubernein Initiative, brought forward a report exploring: "Opportunities for a more Inclusive Indian Foreign Policy."

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The Ambassador of Sweden to India, H.E. Mr. Klas Molin, the Kubernein Initiative, and the India Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, unveiled the report on 'Opportunities for a More Inclusive India Foreign Policy' on 25th April 2022 at the Embassy of Sweden, New Delhi. Amb. Lakshmi Puri, former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations and DED, UNWOMEN, delivered the keynote address.

The report presents key findings from the extensive research and conversations conducted jointly by Kubernein Initiative and KAS, on the presence of Gender Mainstreaming in India’s Foreign Policy. Through this project we brought in an Indian perspective to the Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP)/ Gender Mainstreaming in Foreign Policy conversations that currently exist largely in the transatlantic space. These evolving ideas seek to broaden the potential for inclusive policy making in areas such as development and humanitarian assistance, climate change, trade, among others. This report presents the state of affair in today's India in terms of gender mainstreaming in its foreign policy considerations, and explores what could potentially be the way forward.

To continue reading the report kindly refer to the attached pdf on the same webpage.

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контакт особа

Ronny Dirk Heine

Ronny Dirk Heine bild

Landesbeauftragter und Leiter Politisches Bildungsforum Sachsen

Ronny.Heine@kas.de +49 351 563446-0 +49 351 563446-10


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