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Water Management Workshop

The two days events will bring together key stakeholders in Hardap Region to share knowledge and skills on Water Management.

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Chi tiết

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in collaboration with the Hardap Regional Council is organising a two days workshop on water Management. The event is meant to raise awareness among the different stakeholders such as water point committee members as well as the regional leadeship on how to use water as a scarce resource and a tool for job creation. The workshop is facilitated by Dr. Romanus Kawana, an expert in water management.  

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địa điểm tổ chức

Mariental, Hardap Region


  • Hon. Governor
    • Chief Regional Officer (CRO) and the facilitator Dr. Romanus Kawana
tiếp xúc

Dennis Zaire

Dennis Zaire bild

Senior Program Manager

dennis.zaire@kas.de +264 61 225-568 +264 61 225-678

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Foundation Office Namibia and Angola