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Event Reports


Commencement of the 10th Batch of Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP)

First Training-Workshop on Political Party Functions and Organization in Democratic Societies

“Every new beginning holds its own magic.” The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung welcomes the 16 new participants of the tenth batch of the Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP). The young politicians from nine different Asian countries met in Manila, the Philippines from 18 – 22 February for their first training session, which provided them with deeper knowledge on political ideologies and party systems around Asia as well as techniques in pursuing political projects in their own party.

Asia-Europe Counterterrorism Dialogue

„The way to mitigate the terrorist threat is to find a collaboration format that can accommodate the interests of all parties” This was the key message of Indonesia's Minister of Defence General Ryamizard Ryacudu during his keynote address at the 3rd annual Asia-Europe Counter-Terrorism Dialogue organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS).

Asia/Pacific-German Strategic Dialogue in Seoul

“In an increasingly volatile international system, Germany and countries in the Asia-Pacific have common security concerns, share strategic interests and should cooperate more.” The current foreign and security policy of the United States of America and the more assertive approach by China present both Germany and small and middle powers in the Asia-Pacific with significant challenges. Yet, most of those countries subscribe to a rules-based international order and multilateralism. On 30 October 2018, eight representatives of Parliaments from seven different countries met at the first “Asia/Pacific-German Strategic Dialogue” in Seoul / Republic of Korea to discuss this situation.

KAS Young Political Leaders Caucus 2018

KAS Young Political Leaders Caucus (KASYP-LC) is an annual platform for the alumni of the KASYP programme that aims to nurture and sustain the dialogue, exchange, and sharing of expertise and experience in political party building, policymaking, constituency work, sustainable development, and democracy building.

Thailand's ASEAN Chairmanship 2019

Under Singaporean ASEAN Chairmanship, an exciting and successful year 2018 is drawing to a close. Due to continued economic growth, enhanced cooperation, and lasting stability in Southeast Asia, ASEAN further advanced its importance . In the coming year, Singapore will hand over the chairmanship to Thailand, whose government is to put the goals of the ten member states into practice with new strength. When Thailand takes office, it will not only face new opportunities and chances, but also challenges and difficulties. Many experts and politicians around the world are dealing with these issues, some of whom exchanged views at a three-day conference in Bangkok from 2 to 4 December.

Second Training Workshop for KASYP Batch 2018-2019

“Local Governance and Development”

The second training workshop of each Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) batch focuses on the local dimension of sustainable development and good governance. In order to explore and discuss a variety of initiatives of local institutions and stakeholders, the 9th KASYP batch met in Penang.

Kathrina Naumann

Digitalisierung in Asien und Deutschland

Wer sehen will, wie die digitale Transformation gestaltet werden kann, für den lohnt sich der Blick in Richtung Singapur. Erklärtes Ziel der Regierung ist es, den Stadtstaat zu einer „Smart Nation“ auszubauen und die Nummer Eins der Welt zu sein, was die Nutzung digitaler Technologien, um wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Mehrwert zu schaffen, anbelangt.

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus(AWPC)

Women Education and Economic Empowerment Turning Actions into Progress

Women’s equality and economic empowerment is integral to all dimensions of inclusive and sustainable development. As we still face significant gaps in women’s empowerment, it is important that policymakers from the countries in the region engage in dialogue and exchange of expertise and best practices on how to achieve women empowerment in practice.

Digital world champion

Conference "Mastering innovation and resilience in the digital age"

If you want to know what the digital future will look like, it is worth taking a look at Singapore. Singapore has some of the fastest internet speeds on the planet, 150 % mobile penetration and an average of 6 hours of 41 minutes of internet usage per day. It is a rather digital society already. As a city-state with limited space, it offers the best conditions for digital innovation. A strong government vision, a top-down approach, long-term planning, and strong citizens' trust in their government paired with excellent infrastructure make it an experimental field for new technologies.

Digital dialogue between utopia and dystopia

Ambitions of Asian economies are immense

Over the past two decades, the American Silicon Valley has become the center of gravity for software and IT companies causing far-reaching social change through digital innovation and business models. Due to the promising economic outlook, Asian countries also aim to drive the digital future - with big steps and strong political will. In Beijing, Singapore, Tokyo, and Seoul, digital technologies are seen as an opportunity to accelerate economic development.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.