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Event Reports


Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP): 2nd Training Workshop

Local Governance and Development

As the second workshop of the KASYP training programme for Batch 10, the programme installed for them followed the new structure and topics introduced during the first workshop in Manila. The programme team has arranged activities in a reflective-active mixture. During mornings when participants’ attention is still active, lectures were the main pedagogical method used while in the afternoon, active learning such as worskhops were employed by the resource persons.

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP): Final Training Workshop for KASYP Batch 09

The 9th batch of KASYP (2018-2019) has concluded its final training in Germany last 25-31 August 2019 with 17 participants (9 males, 8 females) representing 7 Asian political parties and 7 countries namely Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, and the Philippines For this batch, there were 6 completed political projects including individual and group work.

Tolerance is not enough

3rd International Parliamentarians’ Conference on Freedom of Religion and Belief in Singapore

In cooperation with the International Panel of Parliamentarians for Freedom of Religion or Belief (IPPFoRB), the KAS Rule of Law Programme Asia held the third International Parliamentarians’ Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief titled “Upholding a Rules Based System on Freedom of Religion or Belief” in Singapore on 30 and 31 October 2019.

Fostering digital innovation

Innovation experts from Asia visit Berlin

In the area of digital innovation, Germany can learn a lot from Asia. In September, a delegation of twelve Asian innovation experts visited Berlin. They had a clear message: Whoever wants to shape the future in his or her own interests must actively promote innovation and be open to change. In both areas, Germany still has some catching up to do.

KAS / Patrick Rüppel

4th Asia-Europe Counter-Terrorism Dialogue

“The keyword when talking about collaboration between the state and civil-society organizations on CVE is genuine consultation”, Malaysia’s Foreign Minister YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah

The Role of Digital Media in the 2019 Indian General Elections

ISAS-KAS Joint Panel Discussion

Konrad-Adenuaer-Stiftung Political Dialogue Asia and the Institute of South Asian Studies co-organised a panel discussion on 27th June 2019 on the role of digital media in the 2019 Indian General Elections. The panel explored the effects of social media not just on elections, but on the broader political culture. It also offered insight into the digital strategies of parties like the BJP and Congress, and addressed the problem of fake news and misinformation.

E-Lection Bridge Asia-Pacific 2019

The E-Lection Bridge Asia-Pacific is a yearly event hosted by the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia, in order to facilitate exchange between campaign strategists from different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This year’s E-Lection Bridge features participants from a variety of regions, including a sizeable delegation from this year’s host country, Myanmar.


Singapore – Germany: The future of mobility

How the internet of things and on-demand transport transforms cities and challenges our way of thinking.

A lively discussion with several experts from Singapore and Europe took place during the annual Asia & Pacific Week. How will digitalization revolutionise our idea of cities and transportation? AI, big data, automated on-demand vehicles and even flight taxis – the participants immerged deeply into the matter!

Third Training Workshop for KASYP Batch 2018-2019

The third training of each Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) batch aims to provide the participants with the understanding of electoral campaigning and its many tools as well as the importance of providing organised electoral choices to citizens through political parties. To achieve this goal the 9th KASYP batch met from 22nd to 25th of April in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China.

Young Experts Discuss Security Threats in Asia and Beyond

15 experts from 13 different countries in the Asia-Pacific region joined the initial meeting of the KAS Network of Young Asian Security Experts in Berlin. They discussed current and strategic national security threats to their respective countries and had in-depth exchanges with German policy- and decision-makers.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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