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"Deepening of Ghana and German Economic Cooperation is like 'Music in my Ears' (Dr. Bawumia)"


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A German Delegation led by Mr. Burkhardt Hellemann, Resident Representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung called on His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, at the Flagstaff House in Accra. The objective of the visit was to explore the opportunities available to strengthen the trade and economic relations between Ghana and Germany. The delegation included Mr. Bernhard Abels, Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy, Mr. Maximilian Butek, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK), Dr. Isaac Owusu-Mensah and Mr. Felix Kumpf all of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Dr. Bawumia commended the Delegation for such an important visit and described the goal to strengthen the relation between the two countries as “music to his ears”. He stressed that his government desire is to fulfil the promise given during the election campaign that is the establishment of a vibrant economy and creation of an enabling environment for businesses to flourish. He emphasised that the people of Ghana require urgent change in the macro-economic environment of the country and this can only be achieved through stimulating economic activities consequently, support from the German Community is highly welcome and must be harnessed. Series of possible follow up scenarios were discussed between the Vice-President and the German Delegation.

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Nadace Konrada Adenauera je zastoupena vlastní kanceláří přibližně v 70 zemích v pěti světadílech. Zahraniční spolupracovníci na místě tak mohou z první ruky informovat o aktuálních událostech a dlouhodobém vývoji ve své zemi. V „místních zprávách“ nabízí uživatelům webové stránky nadace Konrada Adenauera exkluzivně analýzy, informace z kuloárů a hodnocení.

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