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KAS scholars delegation visits Tunisia

10 Years After the Arab Spring – Where Does Europe's Southern Neighborhood Stand Today?

The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung welcomed a delegation of KAS scholarship holders in Tunisia. The delegation visited Tunis from October 5 to October 9, 2022.

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The Regional Programme Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung welcomed a delegation of KAS scholarship holders in Tunisia. 

The delegation, which visited Tunis from October 5 to October 9, 2022, was led by Professor Dr. Stephan Schlüter, of Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

The visit's objective was to give students a comprehensive understanding of Tunisia's most recent political, economic, and social challenges.

During their visit, the delegation met with regional experts, former ambassadors, and young civil society activists to discuss Tunisian-German relations, the role of civil society organizations, and youth involvement in Tunisia. Germany's engagement in Libya, along with Europe's southern neighbor's current challenges, were also addressed.

The KAS scholars took advantage of this opportunity to learn about current trends in the North African country.


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Riadh Dziri


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o této sérii

Nadace Konrada Adenauera, její vzdělávací workshopy, vzdělávací centra a zahraniční kanceláře nabízejí ročně několik tisíc akcí na různá témata. O vybraných konferencích, akcích, sympóziích atd. informujeme aktuálně a exkluzivně pro vás na Zde naleznete kromě obsahového souhrnu i další materiály jako jsou obrázky, texty přednášek, video nebo audiosestřihy.