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Raisina Dialogue 2022

-by ORF- MEA-KAS India

Once again, we have teamed up with ORF and the Indian MEA to organise this year's Raisina Dialogue entitled "Terra Nova: Impassioned, Impatient, and Imperilled."

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The Raisina Dialogue is India’s flagship conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics, held annually since 2016. It is organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs, India. The 7th Edition of the Raisina Dialogue was held in an in-person format over three days, from 25-27 April, 2022.

The theme of Raisina Dialogue 2022 was “Terra Nova: Impassioned, Impatient, and Imperilled”. Over the course of three days, the Dialogue, had panel discussions and conversations across multiple formats on six thematic pillars - (i) Rethinking Democracy: Trade, Tech and Ideology; (ii) End of Multilateralism: A Networked Global Order?; (iii) Water Caucuses: Turbulent Tides in the Indo-Pacific; (iv) Communities Inc.: First Responders to Health, Development, and Planet; (v) Achieving Green Transitions: Common Imperative, Diverging Realities; and (vi) Samson vs Goliath: The Persistent and Relentless Tech Wars.

This year, Raisina Dialogue hosted sessions at Berlin and Washington D.C. The Raisina Young Fellows programme also took place at the sidelines of the main conference.

To read the Conference Report kindly refer to the attached pdf on the same webpage.

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Ronny Dirk Heine

Ronny Dirk Heine bild

Landesbeauftragter und Leiter Politisches Bildungsforum Sachsen +49 351 563446-0 +49 351 563446-10


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o této sérii

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