

India’s Neighborhood Policy: Opportunities, Tensions, and the COVID Challenge

Indo-Pacific Roundtable Series

The Indo-Pacific Roundtable Series brings senior policy makers and experts from the region to Brussels for invitation-only, roundtable discussions covering a wide range of economic, foreign and security policy issues. We aim to provide a snapshot of the most important debates and trends in the Indo-Pacific and analyze what they mean for Europe and for Europe-Asia relations. In its first year, the Series will focus on the topic of connectivity and how countries are seeking to build infrastructure and networks connecting the Indo-Pacific. The Indo-Pacific Roundtable Series is a joint initiative of The German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The first discussion will focus on connectivity in South Asia, how countries in the region are increasing integration and responding to the COVID19 crisis, and the future of Europe-India cooperation on connectivity issues.


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Dr. Susanne Conrad

Susanne Conrad (2021)

Referentin für Recht / Sicherheit und für das anglophone Westafrika +49 30 26996-3471



The German Marshall Fund of the United States