
Global Europe Illustrated: NATO Partnerschaften

Die NATO unterhält Beziehungen zu über 40 Nichtmitgliedstaaten und internationalen Organisationen, die als NATO-Partner bekannt sind, wie z.B. die Partnerschaft für den Frieden.

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Die südlichen Nachbarn der NATO

Reflexionen der NATO zur südlichen Nachbarschaft

Der Bericht behandelt umfassend die strategischen Herausforderungen der NATO bei ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit Nordafrika, dem Nahen Osten oder der Sahelzone.

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Ministertreffen von EU-ASEAN und EU-Indo-Pazifik-Forum

Zwischen Anspruch und Realität: Europäische Diplomatie gegenüber dem Indo-Pazifik

Vertreter der 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten trafen am Morgen des 2. Februar im Rahmen des Ministertreffens des EU-Indopazifik-Forums mit ihren Amtskollegen aus der Region zusammen.

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„Global Gateway“ nimmt langsam Fahrt auf

Global Gateway Forum in Brüssel

Das Global Gateway Forum am 25. und 26. Oktober in Brüssel brachte hochrangige Vertreter aus über 40 Ländern zusammen.

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Lessons learned from the steel decarbonization workshop.

Climate Club Formation: EU - India Steel Case Study

This paper summarizes the lessons learned from the steel decarbonization workshop, highlighting potential areas of cooperation between the steel sectors in India and the EU.

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Authors: Charlotte Wolter and Janne Leino

The New Great Game: Afghanistan’s Taliban Takeover and its Implications for Europe and the Region

EVENT REPORT - Panel discussion on the current situation in Afghanistan, the humanitarian crisis and prospects for future cooperation and development.

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Das Programm Multinationaler Entwicklungsdialog der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung gestaltet den entwicklungs- politischen Dialog mit der Europäischen Union und der NATO und bringt die Erfahrungen und Expertise der weltweiten Projektarbeit der KAS sowie die Interessen der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik in die Konsultationsprozesse der Europäischen Union ein.

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#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #3 Palestine

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #2 Argentina

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#26 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (3/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

#KAS4Youth - Full series on YT & IGTV -

“Young Voices - Perceptions on the EU’s global engagement” - #1 Morocco

The campaign aims to critically analyse the EU's role in the world through the eyes of young people in the Global South, who are engaged in their communities through EU programmes.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#24 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (1/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#25 Malaysia - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#23 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (3/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#22 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#21 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (1/3)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.

@kas.mnedbrussels - @KAS.PDA - Asian Women Parliamentarian

#20 Taiwan - "Women's Political Participation. The State of Play in Asia" (2/2)

The advocacy campaign promoted by MDPD KAS in Brussels and AWPC aims to raise awareness about the situation of women parliamentarians in Asia.


