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Evelyn Hockstein, Reuters

„Amerika ist wieder im Aufbruch!“

Bilanz und Ausblick nach 100 Tagen Biden-Regierung

Die Gräben zwischen Republikanern und Demokraten sind immer noch tief. US-Präsident Joe Biden lässt sich davon nicht aufhalten. Im Kampf gegen die Pandemie und für neue ­Arbeitsplätze, beim Klimaschutz und in der Außenpolitik will er zeigen, wozu eine schlagkräftige Demokratie mit moralischem Führungs­anspruch in der Lage ist. Eine Herkulesaufgabe.

Zoubeir Souissi, Reuters

Nach der Krise ist vor der Krise

In Tunesien fehlt nach wie vor ein gesellschaftlicher ­Konsens über das Gemeinwesen in der Demokratie

In Tunesien jagt seit zehn Jahren eine Krise die andere. Immer mehr Tunesier verbinden diese Abwärtsspirale mit der parlamentarischen Demokratie. Die Verschlechterung ihrer Situation liegt allerdings vor allem am fehlenden gesellschaftlichen Konsens über das Gemeinwesen und an der ungeklärten Frage, was es bedeutet, auch als Gesellschaft politische Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Eine verstärkte Dezentralisierung könnte helfen, diesen für die Demokratie essenziellen Wert zu schaffen.

Carlos Jasso, Reuters (photo montage)


Power shifts are a fundamental phenomenon underpinning global politics. In 1990, as the bipolar world order finally unravelled, US political scientist Joseph S. Nye wrote: “Just as farmers and meteorologists try to forecast storms, so do leaders and analysts try to understand the dynamics of major changes in the distribution of power among nations.”

Edgar Su, Reuters

“A New and Less Benign Strategic Area”

Australia as a Strategic Power in the Indo-Pacific Region

When Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison unveiled his country’s new defence strategy in 2020, he announced a shift towards “a new and less benign strategic area”. With the dawn of a new era, defined by the end of the unchallenged hegemony of the US and the seemingly unstoppable rise of China, Australia is starting to view itself as a regional power and the guardian of a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific. The geoeconomic and geostrategic balance of the Indo-Pacific has perhaps shifted more rapidly and dramatically than in any other region of the world. With its key position in the South West Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean, Australia is taking on a proactive leadership role – together with like-minded partners in the region and around the globe.

John Thys, Reuters

A Question of Identity

The EU Needs to Become a Global Player in the Changing World Order

The European Union’s internal structures are currently plagued by division. These rifts all boil down to a question of identity: What is the EU? At the same time, the changing world order is forcing the EU to decide who it wants to be. The answer is clear: It must take steps to become a global player.

Kacper Pempel, Reuters

Cyber Capabilities as a New Resource of Power

Conflicts in the Digital Sphere

Cyber capabilities are becoming increasingly important in international relations. States with the ability to conduct cyber operations are in a strong position to expand their scope of influence in the international arena. This is particularly true for small and medium-sized countries with few traditional power resources, as cyber capabilities allow them to seriously weaken more powerful states.

Tom Brenner, Reuters

It’s Time to Reshape the West!

“America is back!”: With US President Joe Biden, there is now potential for an ambitious transatlantic policy. We should devote all our energy to reforging the alliance between Europe and the US. Anything else would be fatal, as disunity in the West only plays into the hands of our systemic rivals China and Russia. What do we need to do right now?

Murad Sezer, Reuters

Of Bridges and Gateways

Turkey’s Regional Power Aspirations

The bridge to Asia. A gateway to the Middle East and Europe. For centuries, Turkey has been considered a country linking the Western and Eastern worlds. Whether that be due to Turkish military bases used by ­NATO as bridgeheads to the Middle East, or the threats made by its president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to “open the gates” to Europe for the millions of refugees accommodated by Turkey, ­NATO member and EU candidate Turkey has been increasingly presenting the Western alliance with a fait accompli over recent years.

Ramzi Boudina, Reuters

Outdated Elites, New Sense of Identity

Leaderless Revolutions and the ­­­Crisis of Arab Authorities

Ten years after the onset of the “Arab Spring”, cracks are appearing again in the autocratic façade of the Middle East and North Africa. However, the struggle to find an alternative to the ruling elite has failed due to the lack of organised political parties capable of translating anger on the streets into constructive political participation.


Security Policy in the Indo-Pacific

How Can Germany Turn its Words into Deeds?

In its new “Policy guidelines for the Indo-Pacific”, the German government commits to assuming greater responsibility for foreign policy to address shifts in the global balance of power and regional challenges. But what exactly could an ambitious Indo-Pacific policy look like? And what does the region expect of Germany? An analysis based on the examples of India, Japan, and Singapore.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

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Rana Taskoparan

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Fabian Wagener

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