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Country Reports

Local elections in Bulgaria

by Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, Borislaw Wankow

GERB Strongest force, but with losses

Local elections were held in Bulgaria on 29 October and 5 November. The influential on the local level EPP party GERB (Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria) suffered losses, but was able to maintain its positions in many places. Its main opponent, the PP-DB coalition ("We Continue the Change" and "Democratic Bulgaria"), in which the left-liberal PP took part in local elections for the first time, received the most votes for the city council in the capital Sofia and will also provide the mayor, but lost votes compared to the parliamentary elections in April 2023.

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The full-length country report is currently only available in German.

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Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes

Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes bild

Head of the KAS office in Bulgaria +359 2 943-4388 | +359 2 943-4390 +359 2 943-3459


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